What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space?

To explore the universe, people must resort to protective gear that is not adapted by the human body in space. So, if the astronauts take off their space suits and walk out into space, what will be waiting for them?

To explore the universe, people must resort to protective gear that is not adapted by the human body in space. So, if the astronauts take off their space suits and walk out into space, what will be waiting for them?

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What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 1What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 1

Lack of gas

The feeling of lack of air is the first thing astronauts feel when they're in space without a protective suit. They can maintain alertness for about 15 seconds because the body uses oxygen stored in the blood, before losing consciousness. And you will suffocate after 90 seconds.

Uncontrollable ability to excrete the body

When there is a serious lack of oxygen, some functions on the human body will be out of control.

Researchers tried to put 100 dogs into a vacuum environment emulated in 1965. As a result, these dogs were depleted of air in their lungs, and their body wastes were also thrown out. right away.

If we breathe, the air in our lungs expands and breaks the lungs due to the pressure difference between the body and the space, then the gas will creep into the circulatory system. So if we fall into space without protective gear, the first thing we need to do is breathe out and then hold our breath to extend life to rescue.

What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 2What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 2

The body is swollen

In space, atmospheric pressure is almost zero so our body's water will start to evaporate, causing the skin and tissues below to begin to swell for about the first 10 seconds. Your body will swell twice as much as normal, but it will not explode because the skin of the human population is strong enough to withstand that change.

If it is timely brought back to where the atmospheric pressure is at the standard level, our skin and tissue will return to normal.

Blood boiling

Aerospace has no pressure, so the boiling point is easily lowered to the temperature of the human body (the lower the pressure, the lower the boiling point of the liquid). This means that saliva and fluids in your blood will boil.


In outer space, there is no protective gear, direct contact with cosmic radiation, so we will get bad sunburn.

What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 3What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 3


Space temperature is very low at around 262 degrees Celsius, but your body will not freeze immediately. The reason is that due to lack of convection and thermal conductivity, you will die from asphyxiation before your body temperature drops to freezing.

Cell mutation

Radioactive rays like harmful UV rays, gamma rays, X-rays will alter the cells in the body that cause you to be radioactive or cancerous, but it does not give you supernatural powers like in movies where.

What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 4What terrible thing will happen when not wearing protective gear in space? Picture 4

Mummy in space

If we die in space, because there is no oxygen, our bodies will not decompose in the usual way. Our bodies will turn into a dry mummy if we are near the heat source, otherwise our body will be frozen.

If the human body after death is wrapped in the astronaut's protective suit, it will decompose until the oxygen is gone. Unlike Earth, the dead body can survive for a very long time, even drifting millions in space.

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