As fast as Elon Musk: just once despised Covid-19, now has become a very committed anti-epidemic character

One of the most acclaimed back screen at the moment.

On March 7 local time, Elon Musk picked up the phone to post Twitter:

Picture 1 of As fast as Elon Musk: just once despised Covid-19, now has become a very committed anti-epidemic character

'This panic attack from corona virus is really stupid'.

The man who possessed both power and voice was right and wrong.

It is true that the 'panic' is wrong, when there are people who are too scared to rush to buy toilet paper to hoard. There are cases when the desire to prevent disease, indiscriminate use of drugs being used in the treatment of Covid-19 with the legal method and strict dosage and then death.

The mistake is that right after his statement were emails to SpaceX and Tesla, in tune with the Twitter post above, that the Covid-19 translation was not so ominous, based on the data he read. He also compared the risk of death from disease is lower than the risk of death when driving home, another misconception. However, in the email, Musk reminded employees to isolate themselves if they appear sick. Spokesmen for SpaceX and Tesla did not respond to requests for comment.

Picture 2 of As fast as Elon Musk: just once despised Covid-19, now has become a very committed anti-epidemic character

For a few days, Musk was busy with the project to land the Falcon 9 rocket propulsion, sat talking to the ArsTechnica reporter about the rocket factory to conquer Mars, congratulating the Tesla team for perfecting the 1 millionth electric car, a couple of idle thoughts, updating the status of projects, the man's perception changed.

Elon Musk had another thought, dismissing the misconception about Covid-19 a dozen days ago, saying a sentence that made people immediately know what Musk was worried about:

Picture 3 of As fast as Elon Musk: just once despised Covid-19, now has become a very committed anti-epidemic character

"Fear kills the human mind."

Well here, Musk finally understands where his Twitter post was right. Immediately, Musk made the first moves in the prevention of corona virus. First, listen to what the experts say and then post some information about the research of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Two days ago, Elon Musk had a talk with engineers from medical equipment maker Medtronic about the stages of manufacturing ventilators. SpaceX and Tesla will be able to produce ventilators, because the factories have been able to create modern air filtration systems for both cars and spacecraft.

Picture 4 of As fast as Elon Musk: just once despised Covid-19, now has become a very committed anti-epidemic character

Musk said that Tesla is stocking up on 250,000 N95 masks to supply hospitals. And not stopping there, the billionaire just bought 1,255 Chinese ventilators and donated 1,000 devices to hospitals in California for free. He said the equipment supplier in China was in excess of breathing apparatus, and was willing to resell it in an emergency situation.

What about the remaining 255 ventilators? Musk posted on Twitter that ' if you want a ventilator for free, contact us '. Certainly in the strong situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, this will be a valuable source of assistance.

President Donald Trump also acknowledged the efforts of Tesla and a number of other car manufacturers such as Ford and General Motors to produce ventilators. Although GM and Ford have not confirmed the change of production lines to build ventilators, GM also said it has joined hands with Ventec to produce breathing apparatus.

Half a month after the Twitter post made many people angry, Elon Musk had a different attitude about the Covid-19 epidemic. He is doing everything in his power to support the fight against Covid-19, and after speaking with an engineer from Medtronic, Musk said assembly plants would be able to produce ventilators in the next 10 weeks.

Elon Musk has realized his mistake, and is trying to correct it with extremely practical actions. Certainly, in the global situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, the ventilator equipment will be an effective 'tool' in the long and expensive battle.

Update 25 March 2020


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