Android 5.0.1 encountered an error 'RAM'

Android 5.0.1 is the latest version released by Google. However, according to programmers' feedback, this version is experiencing RAM-guzzling errors when running the software.

Android 5.0.1 is the latest version released by Google. However, according to programmers' feedback, this version is experiencing RAM-guzzling errors when running the software.

Android 5.0.1 encountered an error 'RAM' Picture 1Android 5.0.1 encountered an error 'RAM' Picture 1
The Android 5.0.1 version is having a RAM bug

According to Neowin on December 31, when using the Android 5.0.1 version, this version has consumed more than 1 GB for running several software at the same time.

Currently, programmers have reported this error to Google and the "search giant" also confirmed the error is real. Google said it will release a new update to fix this error in the future.

Reportedly, Android 5.0.1 version has just been launched by Google for some smartphones, this is also an Android version that adds some security features on Android.

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