Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone
Error 3014 often occurs in the process of resetting an iOS device that is faulty , often this error often occurs during the update process (update) more. Sometimes during a restore operation fails and error 3014 appears. Many iOS users have encountered this error. So how to fix this error, please refer to the following article of Network Administrator.
The main cause of the 3014 error is that iTune cannot connect to Apple's server to authenticate as well as download the data needed for the restore or restore process.
Another cause of 3014 error when restoring is your USB port. Connecting to hold the iPhone, iPad device with the computer is not guaranteed, iTunes will also report error 3014 when performing the restore operation.
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 1
1. Remedies for Mac computers
1. Open the Finder window, then select Application in the sidebar .
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 2
2. Double-click on Utilities . Then double click on Terminal .
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 3
On the Terminal window, you will have to enter the command to open the Nano text editor . In addition, you will have to enter the Admin password.
Enter the following command into the Terminal window and press Return :
sudo nano / etc / hosts
Enter the Admin password then press Return. This time on the screen appears the Nano text editor. Your task is to enter the following line into:
After entering the above line into the Hosts file , proceed to save the file. Restart MAc and re-open iTunes or 3uTools again, this time you will receive a successful connection.
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 4
2. Solution for Windows computers
On a Windows computer, click My Computer (or This PC), then navigate to the path:
Disk C: WindowsSystem32driversetc
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 5
Here you will find a hosts file, your task is to click and open the hosts file on Notepad .
Next add the following command line to the end of the Hosts file:
Save the file and restart your computer.
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 6
You can use 3uTools to access DFU mode after fixing connection errors.
Fix error 3014 while restoring iPhone Picture 7
Refer to some of the following articles:
- Instructions for transferring data from old iPhone phones to iPhone 7 / iPhone 7 Plus
- Summary of some common errors that occurred during iOS 10 update and how to fix bugs (The last part)
- This is how to check the "health" status of the battery on iPhone phones, iPhone users should know
Good luck!
You should read it
- Instructions on how to fix 53 error when restoring on iPhone
- Summary of some ways to fix 3194 errors during the restore or update iPhone, iPad
- How to fix VPN error 619
- How to fix System Restore error 0x80042306 in Windows
- Fix iTunes 1671 error during updating or restoring iPhone, iPad
- How to fix A20 Error when starting the computer
- This is how to 'recover' a failed USB drive on Linux
- How to fix error 4013 on iPhone
- How to fix error 3194 when restoring an iPhone
- Steps to fix error 0x80070026 when Windows Update or Restore
- Error iPhone, iPad suddenly shutdown even when the battery is still many, this is how to fix the error
- Quick fix of Bluetooth error does not work on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus
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