Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

See if you can find them in the photos below?

"Mother Nature" bestows animals very likely to period. In particular, the ability to camouflage cleverly like changing skin color, "stealth" into the trunk, leaves . not only surprising people. Gecko species in Madagascar islands in Africa are considered masters in the animal world. See if you can find them in the photos below?

Picture 1 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world
Photographer, 20-year-old London-based Sam Rowley, recorded photographs showing the possibility of disguising the master of gecko on Madagascar.

Picture 2 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

A leaf-tailed gecko "stealth" on a tree trunk in the forest on Madagascar islands.

Picture 3 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

Did you discover the chameleon among the dried leaves in this photo?

Picture 4 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

Two mosquito owls mingle with the dry leaves in the forest near Andasibe, Madagascar.

Picture 5 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

Chameleon transforms the color of the body into green to blend in the bush on Madagascar island.

Picture 6 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

Disguised geckos mixed with stems and surroundings make their enemies difficult to recognize.

Picture 7 of Amazingly, the possibility of camouflage is superior in the animal world

The gecko of the leaf tail is separated from the landscape.

Update 24 May 2019


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