; Folder Scan
"Icon" = "% ProgramFiles% Windows Defender EpManifest.dll"
"MUIVerb" = "Scan with Windows Defender"
@ = "cmd.exe / s / c" "C: Program FilesWindows DefenderMpCmdRun.exe" -scan -scantype 3 -SignatureUpdate -file "% 1" "& pause"
; File Scan
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shellWindowsDefender]
"Icon" = "% ProgramFiles% Windows Defender EpManifest.dll"
"MUIVerb" = "Scan with Windows Defender"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT * shellWindowsDefenderCommand]
@ = "cmd.exe / s / c" "C: Program FilesWindows DefenderMpCmdRun.exe" -scan -scantype 3 -SignatureUpdate -file "% 1" "& pause"
Add the 'Scan with Windows Defender' command to the right-click menu in Windows 8 Picture 3
Add the 'Scan with Windows Defender' command to the right-click menu in Windows 8 Picture 4
Add the 'Scan with Windows Defender' command to the right-click menu in Windows 8 Picture 5
Good luck!