8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

There are some strange diseases that make patients like fairy characters appear in real life: long nose Pinochio to Elsa in real life or princess sleeping in the forest ...

There are strange and rare diseases in the world. These diseases are very rare and extremely difficult to cure, making life difficult for people with diseases. In which there are some strange diseases that make patients like fairy characters appear in real life: Long nose Pinochio to Elsa in real life or princess sleeping in the forest .

Here are 8 strange diseases thought only in the movie.

1. "Petrified people"

Picture 1 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie
Picture 2 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

It is normal for us to stretch to feel comfortable and energetic when we wake up in the morning but for Nicola Whitehill, a patient with scleroderma is different. This strange disease caused her blood vessels to stiffen and not move. Nicola Whitehill takes 3 hours a day to bathe in oil and apply moisturizer to the skin so that the hands and feet do not harden.

2. Pinocchio in real life

Picture 3 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie
Picture 4 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

Ollie Trezise, ​​who was born in Wales, had a strange brain hernia. The disease is a birth defect that causes the brain to grow through the skull and under the nose, making his nose very long, like the famous Pinocchio cartoon character. As soon as he was 21 months old, Ollie Trezise had to undergo many painful surgeries to breathe.

3. "Sleeping princess"

Picture 5 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

Louisa Ball lives in England as " sleeping princess " because her sleep lasts 2 weeks. The reason is that she suffers from Kleine-Levin syndrome, which causes neurological dysfunction to control sleep and eating activity. The life of the "sleeping princess in the forest" is not as beautiful as a fairy, long sleep makes Louisa Ball miss most of the important events in life, affecting education and entertainment .

4. Early aging

Picture 6 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

A newborn baby in Bangladesh suffering from premature aging was called Benjamin Button (a character in the film who was born with an 80-year-old man's image). When it was just born, the baby's forehead appeared full of wrinkles, deep eyes, wrinkled skin like an old man. Early aging is an extremely rare disease, only one out of every 8 million people has it.

5. Blue skin

Picture 7 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

Paul Karason, an American with normal white skin of Europe, but one day suddenly his skin turns blue due to the strange silver poisoning disease, also known as Argyria disease . The reason is that he drank colloidal silver, a liquid that has silver particles to treat facial dermatitis. Paul Karason stopped using colloidal silver but his skin remained green because it had been in the body for a long time. This bizarre man died in 2013 due to stroke and heart attack, unrelated to blue skin disease.

6. "Bubble girl"

Picture 8 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

Brynn Duncan was dubbed the bubble girl, only 20 years old, she had some chronic illnesses, sometimes even having to eat with a catheter. She was one of the few people in the world who had been diagnosed with venous and postural tachycardia that only stood for a few minutes, so she often had to be in a wheelchair.

7. Princess Elsa in real life

Picture 9 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

Gracie Hughes has a strange disease of vasomotor disorder , also known as Raynaud's syndrome, which causes her body to become numb and her skin turns pale blue when exposed to cold. In winter, before leaving home, she must wear layers of thermal clothing, hats, woolen socks, socks, thick gloves. Even eating ice cream or drinking cold water is impossible for Gracie Hughes.

8. "Live dolls"

Picture 10 of 8 incredible and incredible diseases in real life 'step out' from the movie

A 28-year-old girl in California became a "living doll" due to muscular dystrophy . The disease made her weak and degenerate, difficult to walk, activities in her daily life or any movement that was difficult and had to resort to the help of others.

Update 24 May 2019


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