5 tips to help you get a high score in the History exam

In order to help the son achieve high results in the exam as well as avoid contestants from the cabinet or guess when answering the test, Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (Teacher of Phan Bo Chau High School, Nghe An shared 5 secrets when taking a multiple-choice test in History.

Tomorrow June 24 is the final day of the contestants in the national high school exam 2017. On this test day, the contestants will continue to do the History, Geography and Education Education exams, these are subject of a combination of social science exam subjects.

This is the first time Exam History with multiple-choice forms in the 2017 National High School Exam. The test consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and 50 minutes of homework time. In all questions will spread all knowledge in textbooks, of which the world history is 30% and Vietnam's history is 70%.

To help the son achieve high results in the exam as well as avoid the contestant "learning cabinet" or guessing when answering the test, Mr. Tran Trung Hieu (Teacher of Phan Bo Chau High School, Nghe An shared 5 know-how when taking a multiple-choice test in History.

Picture 1 of 5 tips to help you get a high score in the History exam

First : First, candidates should read through all the questions and answers of the test questions, then analyze and quickly process the requirements of the subject. When answering, the question is easy to do first, it is difficult to "fight" later, no need to follow the order given. Only 50 minutes to make 40 questions on the test, students should not take too much time on a question, because the average time per sentence is only about 1.25 minutes.

Second : When taking the exam, please read the requirements of the topic carefully, find out the main "keyword", if necessary, you can circle "keywords" with pencil, this is the easiest way to help candidates Can choose the fastest and most accurate answer, not afraid of digressions or misunderstandings.

Third : Time for taking multiple-choice tests for History is only 50 minutes with 40 questions, so it is necessary to calculate the ability of "slow and firm" to "slow" to "fast". It should be noted, carefully read, carefully calculated the question and the answer plan does not mean hesitation.

Fourth : When looking at a question, if you do not remember the correct answer, instead of guessing or deluding, use the exclusion method. Using the exclusion method is the best way to choose the correct answer. Moreover, instead of finding the right answer, you can try to find the wrong option which is a good way and eliminate as many options as possible.

Finally, when you no longer have the basis for elimination, you should use the guesswork to find out which plan is more feasible, more reliable and circled on the answer sheet and that is the final skill of the you

Fifth: In the structure of exam questions for National High School History 2017, students need to distinguish some of the following types of frequently asked questions on the basis of which there are answers for each type of multiple choice questions. mandate:

  1. This type of question requires candidates to choose the correct answer.
  2. This type of question requires the candidate to choose the best answer.
  3. The question form requires the candidate to complete the sentence in the form of filling in the box with the correct knowledge.
  4. In the form of questions that require candidates to correctly or properly arrange the logical order (order) of events, historical phenomena according to the way: which events are first, after? Which event decides? Which event is the cause, which event is the consequence .
  5. The question form requires the reader to understand a piece of text.
  6. This type of question requires the candidate to choose a negative idea when the question intentionally forces the candidate to give a scientific view to such questions.

In order to do the test well, he also needs to be aware of the basic knowledge of the current textbook and avoid learning cabinets, because of the knowledge of 40 sentences spread from the history of the world to the history of Vietnam in the self-time. Learning cabinets, learning deviations will fail, Mr. Tran Trung Hieu stressed.

Whatever the test, success is always the result of the addition of three elements: real power, effort and luck.

Update 24 May 2019


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