29 meaningful statements by Bill Gates that freshmen need to remember

Schools - there may be no winners and losers but not in life. In some schools, people can type double points and give you the opportunity to get a higher score. In real life there is never such a thing - Bill Gates.

Billionaire Bill Gates has a very famous saying: "Justice does not always exist, life always has unintended things. However, just adapt it, and persevere. to the end it is always possible to achieve unexpected successes. "

Today, Bill Gates may no longer hold the position of the richest billionaire in the world, but his people, ways of life and sayings continue to inspire millions of people around the world in the process of finding items. target and realize dreams in life.

Article with the same topic:

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For first-year students, Bill Gates' practical views will be the "guideline" to help you get more solid baggage when entering university and "life school"."In the current competitive age, talented people will win, the incompetent will be eliminated; wanting to survive must adapt, waiting for the help of others or asking for the blessing of the obvious god It is only inappropriate to know that it is difficult to move forward, dare to be brave to be the first to be able to grasp your opportunities ". So when you are young, when you first start to "enter into life", dare to fail, dare to express your voice in moderation and you will see your true self.

Picture 1 of 29 meaningful statements by Bill Gates that freshmen need to remember

Life is not fair, let's get used to it

1. Life is not fair, let's get used to it.

2. I failed some subjects, but my friend passed it all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

3. If you were born in poverty, it is not your fault. But if you die in poverty, it is your fault.

4. The value of diligence lies in that it accumulates germs for good things. The harder I worked, the more fortunate I was.

5. Life is not divided into semesters. You also do not have a summer to relax and very few bosses are interested and help you find this opportunity. Do what you want during your free time.

6. Do not always wait for holidays, otherwise you will lag behind your peers. This lag means elimination and unemployment.

7. Television is not real life. In life, one must know to leave the entertainment cafe to go to work.

8. Everyone likes to watch dramas. However, you should not watch too much because it is not your life and your thoughts will be affected by them. Your life should be decided by you.

Picture 2 of 29 meaningful statements by Bill Gates that freshmen need to remember

If you were born in poverty, it is not your fault.But if you die in poverty, it is your fault.

9. Be gentle with the crazy people. Who knows the future and then, you may have to work for someone like that.

10. You should be gentle with people. In life always happens things you don't want at all. Be open to your boss and don't speak ill behind their backs because it won't help you.

11. Schools - there may be no winners and losers but not in school. In some schools, people can eliminate poor grades and give you more opportunities to get higher grades. In real life there is never such a thing.

12. When you get stuck or stuck at work, don't blame fate. What you learn when you encounter difficulties is your experience and lessons so that you will never get lost again.

13. When you go to school, it's not important to be ranked in class. But when it came to society, everything was not so simple. Wherever you go or work, you should create a level for yourself.

14. When sitting in a school chair, having trouble learning, have a teacher help you. However, if at that time you feel that all difficulties are due to strict requirements from teachers, do not go to work after graduation. Simply if there are no strict requirements from the company, then surely you will not be able to do anything and will quickly be unemployed, moreover there will be no one to help you at this time.

15. The most fastidious customers are your biggest source of learning.

16. The world is not fair. You know this right? Whether you see injustice in society or not, do not expect to change it. What you need to do is getting familiar with it.

17. Usually you will not be able to become a CEO if you just graduated from high school. But when you become a CEO, no one will notice that you have just graduated from high school.

18. I have learned everything but have never headed . But today the heads of the best universities are my employees.

Picture 3 of 29 meaningful statements by Bill Gates that freshmen need to remember

I failed some subjects, but my friend went through it all.Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the owner of Microsoft.

19. Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.

20. People will never look at your self-esteem, which they care about is your achievement. Therefore, before achieving achievements, you should not be too focused or exaggerate your self-esteem.

21. Celebration of success is good, but more important is to pay attention to the lessons of failure.

22. No one cares about your self-esteem. People just expect you to achieve something before you feel good about yourself.

23. You will not be able to earn $ 40,000 / year right after high school graduation. You are also not a big boss with a car-mounted phone until you get those two things.

24. If you mess things up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't complain about your mistakes, learn from them.

25. Before you were born, your parents were not "boring" as they are now. Your parents have paid your bills, washed your clothes clean and listened to how cool you are. So before you complain about anything, clean up your bedroom to make it easier.

26. Success is a bad teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking that they cannot fail.

27. I choose lazy people to do difficult things. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.

28. Don't compare yourself to others. Doing so is offending you.

29. When you have money in hand, only you forget who you are. But . when you don't have any money, the whole world will forget who you are. That is life!

Update 24 May 2019


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