Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites!
High quality Stock images so far will cost you to download or if you want to use it for free for your own purposes, it is also necessary to be careful because of copyright infringement. This makes it difficult for those who need to source quality stock photos for free. However, things will become easier with the following websites when allowing us to download and use Stock images for free for all purposes.
14 Stock stock images for free you should not ignore
- 1. Morguefile
- 2. Pixabay
- 3. Pexels
- 4. Flickr
- 5. Free Images
- 6. Wikimedia Commons
- 7. Unsplash
- 8. Free Digital Photos
- 9. New Old Stock
- 10. Picjumbo
- 11. Creative Commons Search
- 12. This Person Does Not Exist
- 13. ManyPixels Gallery
- 14. Pix-Zip
1. Morguefile
Morguefile provides users with high quality images with a variety of topics, from natural themes, locations around the world, . To Morguefile, we can search for photos in a variety of options. different, or find pictures by the keywords you enter.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 1
2. Pixabay
We can search for the images we need at Pixabay and use them for any purpose, because the image is used with the Creative Commons CC0 standard license. Here, you can find images, graphics, vector graphics or videos.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 2
3. Pexels
As with Pixabay, Pexels is licensed under Creative Commons CC0, so we can completely download Stock image above and use it freely. You can search for Popular Searches, Popular Photos, or follow the 16 colors available on the website. Every day there will be 100 new quality images uploaded by photographers so the photo gallery will be very diverse and rich for the seeker.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 3
4. Flickr
Flickr image search repository has become familiar to those who need to find quality photos. In addition, we can also download the Flickr app for smartphones so we can store and share photos to everyone.
- Download Flickr for iOS for free
- Download Flickr for Android
- Download Flickr for Windows Phone
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 4
5. Free Images
More than 389,439 are impressive numbers of high-quality Stock images that Free Images provides to users. We can search for images according to topics such as Education, Business, Festivals, etc. However, when downloading and using photos on Free Images, make sure it is completely free to use. use.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 5
6. Wikimedia Commons
With nearly 34 million photos provided on Wikimedia, we can search for images in many different topics. However, there will be images that are not licensed for free, so check them carefully when downloading them.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 6
7. Unsplash
We can download any images on Unsplash shared by others, and we can use images anywhere due to Creative Commons CC0 license.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 7
8. Free Digital Photos
Free Digital Photos owns both free and paid photo galleries, with many different themes and photo styles that we can search for.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 8
9. New Old Stock
The images in New Old Stock will be covered with a classic color, but in a completely new style. If you are a nostalgic beauty, you can go to New Old Stock.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 9
10. Picjumbo
Just like sites that offer quality Stock photos, Picjumbo gives users a rich range of photos on a variety of topics. In addition, if you want to download and use more quality and diverse images, you can subscribe to Picjumbo's paid package.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 10
11. Creative Commons Search
Once you understand the different Creative Commons license licenses, you will be able to quickly find images that suit your needs. Now, Creative Commons has overhauled its search engine to make its massive library search easier and faster than ever.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 11
Creative Commons Search simplifies licenses by, first allowing you to filter them by two large categories. Click 'Filters' and in the 'I want something that I can' section , select 'Use for commercial purposes' or 'Modify and adapt' .
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 12
You can choose other filters such as the exact name of the license and some providers available in Creative Commons.
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 13
Image providers in Creative Commons Search include a number of big names such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and artwork from Behance and DeviantArt. CC Search currently has more than 300 million images and the ability to display results very quickly. This will be one of the top options to find free images.
12. This Person Does Not Exist
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 14
Can you believe that the above image is not a real person but is it a fake created by a computer? This is probably the best way to use the human face for one of the projects you are working on, without causing anyone any unwanted consequences.
AI technology uses something called Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Computers learn about people's faces by scanning a large set of data. Based on that, it starts to build each pixel to create a completely new face.
The end result is a 1024 × 1024px image of a person who does not exist in real life. This Person Does Not Exist creates a random new face every time you visit the page. This is one of the weird things that AI can do.
13. ManyPixels Gallery
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 15
Although Stock images are often easy to find, it is much more difficult to find non-copyrighted artwork, especially those that can be used in PowerPoint presentations and official projects. ManyPixels Gallery will help you accomplish this.
Every week, ManyPixels releases a series of new illustrations that you can download for free and use when you see fit. These artworks are generally related to office and work situations, but there are some exceptions. Scroll through the list, you will be able to find images that are suitable for most situations.
More interesting is that you can also change the basic color palette of the design before downloading it as an SVG or PNG file. By default, the palette is set to light blue, but you can turn it into any color you like.
There is also a handy search tool to find out exactly what you want, if you don't like browsing through the options. However, you should browse through the options because the illustrations may not be named or tagged with keywords.
14. Pix-Zip
Want to find Stock stock images for free? Do not ignore these websites! Picture 16
Pexels, Pixabay and UnSplash are some of the top sites for free Stock images. Each site has its own image database and Pix-Zip puts them all in one place, and allows you to download multiple images.
Pix-Zip has a window with 2 panels. You search for keywords in the right panel and get a large list of images. Drag and drop the image you like into the left panel. You can also change what you are looking for and then select more images from another search result.
It seems that the number of images you can add to the left panel is not limited. Once you've completed your collection, you can download all images as a ZIP file. This feature is extremely convenient.
The above are 14 websites that provide users with quality Stock images. Some websites will only provide free images and be used in all cases, but there will be websites that require you to pay for use, so check when downloading them.
Refer to the following articles:
- 5 best free photography learning websites
- 7 tricks to take better photos
- 10 tips for taking beautiful photos with digital cameras
Hope the above article is useful to you!
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