Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Here are 10 industries with the fastest growth potential in 2016.

Smart investors and consumers are always learning about what's happening in industries around the world so they can make the best decisions for themselves. If you're an individual like that, check out the list of the top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016 below. Industries with great potential for success this year and in the years to come, they are also the right choice for investors. Meanwhile, consumers can also look forward to interesting innovations of these industries.

1. Wind power

During the past 20 years, the wind energy industry has made significant progress. Of course, this process is indispensable because of the increasing global concern about global warming and the deteriorating ecological environment. Therefore, we need to find a new source of renewable and sustainable energy.

Picture 1 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Wind power plant in Mexico.

Wind energy does not pollute the environment and has relatively low production costs . Between 2014 and 2015, the wind power industry has reached an impressive annual growth rate of 22% and forecast this year's profit will certainly increase.

2. Solar energy

Like wind power, the solar industry has shown efficient growth and a significant reduction in production costs in recent years, helping the solar industry earn $ 3 billion. . New regulations and laws have created favorable conditions for businesses and investors to financially easily switch to using solar energy systems, contributing greatly to the growth of this industry. During the past 5 years and this 2016 is no exception.

Picture 2 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Recently, however, only one-third of the solar energy available in the United States has been exploited in the West, which dominates geography, producing solar-powered generators and others. incentives from the government in California show that this will be the fastest growing market.

3. 3D printing technology

The new millennium has given us some amazing creative technologies, but no technology industry has the potential to make a big impact on the world like 3D printing technology.

Picture 3 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

If you've never heard of the technology industry concept, you can understand that 3D printers have added additives to work, such as ink, to create 3D objects. That is, for any object, from a diamond ring to a salad vegetable salad, it had a huge impact on producers around the world.

In fact, 71% of US manufacturers already use 3D printing technology. In the future, biomedical engineering industry is expected to achieve more success thanks to 3D printing technology and experimenting with live tissue printing has begun to be implemented.

4. Legal marijuana (stimulant)

Revenue from legitimate marijuana industry has grown exponentially since 2012, when the state of Colorado legalized opium and created the first market in the world with full control over the use of Use marijuana to entertain. In addition, the sale of marijuana plants is also distributed in the form of concentrate or food, and even used in beauty products to expand the market.

Picture 4 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Legalized marijuana sales are expected to surpass US $ 20 billion, from this year until 2020, with the condition of maintaining the current growth rate. If other states also legalized the use of marijuana to entertain, the industry could make even greater success.

5. Video game

Video game is an interactive video game with a user interface to create visual feedback on the display device (video).

Picture 5 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

For many years, video game developers have added a compelling, handy feature to attack new markets, including adults and women. These efforts are rewarded when the video game industry continues to grow strongly from year to year. Consumer trust is increasingly enhanced and manufacturers continue to invest in virtual reality technology (virtual reality - VR).

VR not only has a certain influence on the video game industry but also has potential in other markets. However, whether other industries use VR applications for practical purposes, such as training of health professionals, for example, still need more monitoring time.

6. Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a great scientific achievement of human beings to refer to artificial products with outstanding intelligence.

Picture 6 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

At this point, the artificial intelligence industry still has a long way to go. Hoping that one day AI can help people solve the most urgent problems, billions of dollars are funded each year for AI research. Participating in this game is mainly the leading companies in the information technology industry such as Google or Apple, providing us with AI artificial intelligence utilities such as voice recognition software and self-driving cars .

Experts predict the world demand for smart machines will increase by 20% annually, at least until 2020.

7. Sustainable construction materials

The rise after the global short-term economic crisis, many countries including the United States, is trying to come up with an initiative to boost the construction industry. There are many post-industrial places around the world that have developed that need to be rebuilt, as well as the need for other sustainable energy sources, the government and consumers are calling for the use of building materials. green building.

Picture 7 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Recently, green construction is an industry worth US $ 36 billion, which is expected to grow by 10% by 2020. The construction materials industry is highly dependent on consumer demand. , even the prospect may be greater when the government changes some successful marketing laws and strategies.

8. Superior hacker detection

When you have a chance to make money quickly, keep in mind that criminals are also planning to appropriate that money. Business trends and security of sensitive information on computers will increase and so the need to protect users from cyber criminals is born.

Picture 8 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

In the foreseeable future, businesses and individuals will need protection from online fraudsters. However, within the next 5 years, this industry is expected to grow more than 12% per year.

9. Drone device (Drone Device)

Picture 9 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Currently, the technology of drone equipment is quite new. However, in the future potential Drone devices can be applied to many different industries such as agriculture, military and parcel transport, thus attracting the attention of investors. This creates the perfect market opportunity to expand research and development of drone equipment, making them more feasible after each test flight. With an annual growth rate projected to increase by 17% per year until 2022, almost nothing can stop the growth of this industry.

10. Silicon

Picture 10 of Top 10 fastest growing industries in 2016

Regarding the demand for solar cells, silicon is a slow but sustainable growth market during the past decades. In addition to solar batteries, silicon is also used to make sustainable electronics and building materials. Therefore, experts hope that demand for silicon will grow in the coming years like other industries.

These 10 industries show strong potential for growth in 2016. Moreover, in the future, it can be applied to environmental protection as well as to focus more on electronic devices and intelligence. artificial.

Update 24 May 2019


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