Tips for working with functions in Excel
Functions are predefined formulas for Excel to perform a specific calculation function, or to perform operations on a spreadsheet. In Excel, in addition to using built-in functions, users can define their own functions. Here are a few tips when working with functions, with these tips will save you a lot of time when working in Excel.

1. Copy, move formulas without changing cell addresses
When the user copies the formula to another address, all cell addresses in the calculation are automatically changed.In case you want to copy the formula from the top to bottom cell but do not want to change the cell addresses involved in the calculation, you just need to do the following.Move the cursor to the cell below to be copied, and then press Ctrl + '(apostrophe).
2. Convert the result of the formula into value
When you want others to not be able to view or edit formulas in a certain Workbook, users often use methods such as: setting passwords, hiding formulas . TipsMakeplease introduce one more effective way that is converting results The formula results into value.In this way, other people can only see the calculated final results without knowing how it was calculated and which functions were involved.Here are the steps:
- B1: Select the cells containing the formula you want to convert.
- B2: Double click or press F2 key.
- B3: Press F9.The formula will convert into its own value.
- B4: Press Enter
3. Calculate quickly with the key combination Alt + =
To use the SUM function in the usual way, users often have to type or use the mouse to get the first and last cell addresses to be summed.However, with the key combination Alt + =, the user will save maximum operations and time to perform.Just place your cursor in the cell to be summed and press Alt + = and press Enter to calculate the total has been done.
4. Display the formula with the CTRL + `key combination
Tips for working with functions in Excel Picture 2
In the course of writing a text, sometimes you need to illustrate how to use a function in Excel, but when calculating and moving the cursor away, Excel will automatically replace the function with numbers.Because it is a number, it is not intuitive for the viewer to understand, is there any way for cells to use functions that don't convert into numbers and display the function used?To do this, you only need to use the key combination Ctrl + `(this key is to the left of the number keys, holding Shift will be the tilde (~))
5. Repeat a formula for multiple cells
Normally, the user usually uses the mouse to do this task by dragging the original formula to the next cells to copy to or double-clicking the cell containing the original formula.Today, the Vietnamese software channel will introduce you another way to do this without using a mouse.
Tips for working with functions in Excel Picture 3
- B1: Calculate for the first cell
- B2: Move the cursor to the first calculated cell, press Ctrl + C
- B3: Move the cursor down to the bottom box, hold down the Shift key and press the scroll key (up, down, right, left)
- B4: Press the key combination Ctrl + V
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