Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets

To have a professional spreadsheet, easy to read, easy to see data, it is necessary to format the data cells in the table properly. Below are tips for formatting cells in Excel.

Adjust column width and row height Excel

To make your spreadsheet look more professional, you need to adjust column width and row height to ensure that text fits neatly within a cell. Excel's AutoFit feature allows you to easily resize columns and rows to fit the content.

Add Excel cell borders when needed

Adding borders to a table in Excel will clearly distinguish the content in the cells, making it easier for readers to follow the content. You can add border color to cells that need to highlight the content in that cell.

Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 1Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 1

Merge cells in Excel when needed

Merging cells in Excel is another feature that helps you organize your spreadsheet. If a table has multiple columns of data, merging the top row cells will create a single header for the data table. Or merge cells when creating a cover page or summary of a spreadsheet.

Align text in Excel cells

Properly aligned data makes spreadsheets easier to understand. Whatever adjustments you make, make sure they are consistent throughout your spreadsheet.

Using alternating colors in Excel tables

When you need to categorize data or want to make the data table more interesting, you can color alternately in the table. However, you should also limit the use of too dark colors in the table to avoid difficulty reading the content.

Set conditions for data entered into the table

Setting conditions or rules for data entered into a table helps limit incorrect data entry, especially when we share the table with many people. This also ensures consistency in the data table.

Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 2Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 2

Highlight important data in Excel

We can set rules to highlight certain data in Excel through the conditional data formatting feature in Excel. Depending on the rule for the data you want to set the color, we set it up as follows.

Use Wrap Text Excel to wrap text in a cell

Sometimes text exceeds the width of a cell and is often cut off or overflows into adjacent cells. The Wrap Text feature wraps text within a cell to make it easier to read, without losing data compared to the normal way of wrapping text.

Wrapping text also helps align and arrange content within cells, ensuring that text stays within the cell without affecting other cells.

Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 3Tips for formatting cells in Excel for professional spreadsheets Picture 3

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