The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it?
Suddenly the computer reports that the bios has been reset? Is this message due to an error on the computer? TipsMake has answered this question in detail, see now.
New computer yesterday still working normally. But today when you start up, you see the computer saying the bios has been reset? This makes you worried because you don't know what error your computer is encountering. Not only you but many people also encounter the same situation. So what causes the computer to encounter this situation? How to fix bios has been reset error? The answer will be sent to you soon in the next section.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 1
What is the situation when the computer says the bios has been reset?
For those who do not understand too much about computers, they will certainly feel extremely worried. When the computer suddenly appears saying BIOS has been reset Please decide how to continue when booting. But rest assured because this is not an error.
This problem is simply due to the CMOS battery on the computer's mainboard running out of battery. Actually, on the computer's mainboard. There will be a CMOS battery. This battery will provide energy to save settings in Bios. After a long time of use, this battery will run out of energy. And now the user will encounter the BIOS has been reset error.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 3
Is it necessary to replace the CMOS battery?
If the problem is simply the battery running out, do users need to replace the battery? The answer is yes. Because if the battery is not replaced, computer users will encounter many problems when using the device. Not only do you encounter the BIOS has been reset error every time you boot. The time on the computer will also be wrong because it is not saved when the computer is turned off.
At the same time, the settings inside the bios will also be returned to their original state. Every time the device is turned on, the user needs to reset it. However, fortunately this error will not affect the device's hardware.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 5
Are CMOS batteries sold retail on the market?
In case you want to buy your own battery to replace your computer, it is not difficult. Currently, you can buy CMOS batteries on e-commerce platforms extremely simply. Or if there are computer repair centers near you, go to them and ask to buy a CMOS battery.
How to replace CMOS battery for computer
After purchasing a new CMOS battery, you will come to the steps to replace the battery for your computer. The advice here is that if you want to replace the CMOS battery for your laptop, consider carefully. Currently, there are laptop models that are difficult to open and disassemble if you do not have expertise. Therefore to avoid damage due to improper opening. Please bring your laptop to a repair center for support. If you use a desktop computer (PC), here's how to do it.
- B1: Prepare a 4-sided screwdriver as shown in the picture. Then use this screwdriver to open the screws on the computer case cover. Note: remember to unplug the computer to ensure safety when doing this.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 7
- Step 2: After removing the case cover, you will see the computer's mainboard. Pay attention to the highlighted area in the photo description. This is the location where the CMOS battery is installed.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 9
- Step 3: Flip the battery holder in the direction of the arrow, the battery will fall out. What you need to do is press the new battery into the old battery's position. Once done, reinstall the case cover, then plug in the power and restart the computer.
The computer says the bios has been reset, how to fix it? Picture 11
And above is how to handle when the computer reports that the bios has been reset. Hope you are succesful.
You should read it
- How to Reset Your BIOS
- How to Reset a BIOS Password
- Ways to reset BIOS password or remove BIOS password
- How to Reset BIOS Password
- Display BIOS information on Windows 10 using Command Prompt
- 5 tips for using the BIOS to help you master your computer
- Instructions for entering BIOS on different computers
- 4 ways to reset the Windows computer to its original state
- Understanding BIOS: An Indispensable Component of a Computer
- How to reset CMOS
- What is CMOS and what is it used for?
- BIOS - Basic information for beginners
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