SEO website process on Top Google
SEO website process is all the steps to bring a website to the top. In this article, you will learn about professional website SEO process in 7 steps
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- Step 1: Analyze keywords, select the landing page.
- Step 2: Check and analyze websites.
- Step 3: Onpage optimization.
- Step 4: Declare website.
- Step 5: Build content.
- Step 6: Build backlink.
- Step 7: Check and analyze the results.
1. Analyze keywords
Keyword analysis is the first and important step in SEO. An SEO campaign will completely fail and not be effective if you choose the wrong keywords. Long, meaningful keywords with products and services that are doing business with low levels of competition and high conversion rates are currently the first priority. You can use 2 Google keywords planner and Google Trends tools to analyze and choose for yourself the most effective keyword set.
2. Check and analyze websites.
Checking the website helps you get the most overview of the website, thereby orienting the work to be done and getting the Seo plan for the website.
Factors to check include:
- Check on the level of onpage optimization ( Using Seoquake tool ).
- Check website content, internal link structure.
- Check backlink system ( Use 2 open site explorer and ahrefs tools )
- Check the page loading speed.
- Check keyword rankings on search engines ( Use small seo tools )
- Check the code and source of the page.
- Check indexes of index, PR, DA, PA, age of domain name .
3. Onpage optimization for websites.
Onpage optimization is a job that helps websites become more friendly with search engines. Jobs include:
- Optimize title tags, descriptions.
- Optimizing Heading tags.
- Optimize images.
- Optimize the path.
- Optimize page loading speed.
- Create sitemap for website.
- Google author ship configuration.
- Create robots.txt file.
- Configuring Geo meta tags, bringing businesses to google maps to serve a Seo Local campaign.
4. Declare the website.
Website declaration includes the following jobs:
- Declare website on Google.
- Declare website on Bing.
- Install Google Analytics.
- Ping website.
5. Build content for the website.
Content is an important factor and accounts for the most important points in Google's website ranking. Content construction work includes: Writing new quality content; edit and delete poor quality articles in the website; optimize internal links, images for articles .
6. Build backlink
Step 6 in the Seo process is to build backlinks. Backlink is an important factor # 2 after the content. Backlink are votes that help search engines understand the usefulness and queue for your website.
7. Check, monitor, evaluate and maintain work.
Planning to monitor the website will help you understand the progress of the SEO project, the errors that occur during the implementation process, and then suggest the most effective solutions and remedies.
Factors to track include:
- Keep track of keyword development progress.
- Track the number of visitors to the website.
- Keep track of backlink growth charts.
- Keep track of errors that occurred during implementation.
(*) Note: Maintain regular and regular jobs.
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