What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies

The article of TipsMake.com will help you understand what UF filter is and what UF water filtration technology has advantages and disadvantages compared to RO and Nano.

Along with Nano and RO, UF is considered one of the most advanced and effective water filtration technologies available today. So, what is a UF filter? UF water loc technology has advantages and disadvantages compared to RO and Nano? Today's article TipsMake.com will share with you about these issues.

Learn about UF filters

UF (Ultra Filtration, UF, ultrafiltration) filters are made of white, tubular PVC hydrophilic fibers with a pore size of about 0.01 - 0.1 μm. The water filters are equipped with UF filters capable of removing colloids, small solids solids, bacteria, viruses, molar mass proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes, etc.

The UF filter operates on 2 principles:

  1. From outside and inside: The filter layer is outside the membrane. When water flows from the outside of the membrane into the filter, dirt is trapped outside the filter, while the clean water is kept inside the filter.
  2. From inside to outside: The filter layer is inside the membrane. Water flows in from the inside of the membrane, clean water after filtration is retained outside the membrane.

What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 1What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 1

RF ultrafiltration membrane

Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies

UF, RO and Nano are 3 popular water filtration technologies and are currently highly appreciated. Join us to compare these 3 technologies to get the most accurate reviews and options!

1. RO water purification technology

RO water filtration technology applies reverse osmosis process combined with ultra-small size membrane, from 0.1 to 0.5 nanometers. Therefore, the water from RO water purifier can reach up to 99% purity.


  1. No fussy input water, can easily filter well water, river water, tap water, rain water, alum water, .
  2. The ability to effectively clean water: RO filter can remove cleanly from dirt, algae to harmful bacteria. The quality of water after filtering by RO filter has 99% purity, meeting the standards of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam. You can use this water right away without boiling.


  1. 'Too clean' water filter: Surely many of you will be wondering why is 'too clean' water filtration a drawback? In fact, RO water purification technology in addition to dirt, harmful bacteria, it also removes the minerals in the water. If using such a mineral water or no mineral water in such a long time will not be good for health. However, you can completely overcome by using more mineral equipment.
  2. Water waste: The amount of wastewater generated by the RO filter can be equivalent to the amount of pure water, thus causing waste. To save more, you can use this water to clean the house, wash the car, .
  3. Need to use electricity when operating.

What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 2What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 2

RO water purifier

2. Nano water filtration technology


  1. Nano water purifiers are usually compact in design, so they don't take up much space and can be placed in many indoor locations.
  2. Nano technology uses natural water pressure to push water through the filter core so it can not filter electricity.
  3. Still retains good minerals in water.


  1. The filtering capacity is not high.
  2. Quite picky of the input water: The input water needs to ensure a clean standard, without too much scum.
  3. Cannot completely eliminate harmful bacteria.

What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 3What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 3

Nano water purifier

3. UF water filtration technology


  1. UF water filtration technology uses UF ultrafiltration membrane operating under low pressure, so it can retain beneficial ions, minerals, mineral salts and remove harmful particles from the water source.
  2. Saving electricity, saving water, thereby contributing to environmental protection.


  1. The residue, bacteria from the filtration process will be trapped in the bottom of the filter so after a while using the filter may become clogged.
  2. It is difficult to eliminate harmful bacteria of small size.
  3. Thus all 3 water filtration technologies have their own advantages and disadvantages. No technology is perfect. In order to choose the appropriate water purifier series, users should consider factors such as demand, funding, water characteristics, .

What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 4What is a UF filter? Compare UF, RO and Nano water filtration technologies Picture 4

UF water purifier

What is a UF filter? UF water filtration technology has advantages and disadvantages compared to RO and Nano? Hopefully after our article you all have the answers to these questions. Do not forget to visit TipsMake.com to be updated with useful information!

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