Inside the "Update and Recovery" setup tab of Windows 10 Build 9901 , the "Backup" option with the purpose of backing up gives you the option to turn on / off the sending of data to OneDrive. Along with application data, you can store the Start layout, passwords, preferences and "other" system settings to OneDrive.
If you are remembering that this is similar to something familiar on Windows 8 , that is correct, but before that, you only used Microsoft accounts and then synced a handful of data. Now, OneDrive has more control over which data is synchronized on the platform.
Before Windows 10 Build 9901 leaked, there were rumors that OneDrive could be integrated into Windows 10 as a complete backup solution for the operating system. With Office 365 , users get unlimited storage and even cheap Windows tablets get 1TB, these ideas seem reasonable.
Along with the appearance of OneDrive today, users can now look forward to more than the best will come in the next Build version of Windows 10 Preview in early 2015.