Not liking the iPhone's lock screen, this young man has redesigned and is better evaluated than Apple

Invite you to see the concept iOS interesting lock screen of the 17-year-old youth, is considered better than Apple.

iOS 12 is now a versatile operating system with a multitude of features that most users can never use but it also becomes more complicated in some areas. determined. Apple is still working on improving the features that are more modern and simpler, providing the best experience for users.

While waiting for those changes, a new 17-year-old username on Reddit's "whatfood" decided to design the iPhone lock screen himself. After posting on the Reddit site, his concept video quickly received positive feedback, even more people thought it was better than what Apple did on iOS 12.

IPhone lock screen designed by "whatfood" is quite cool. The first is a new music control widget that is much more interesting than Apple's music widget. Next is the notification layout, instead of displaying a series of textboxes, in this design the notifications of each unread application will be represented by a small icon, just touch to read all related messages. mandarin This makes it easy for users to know which applications have notifications to access, not scroll continuously on the lock screen like the current iPhone.

Please see the concept of an interesting iOS lock screen of this 17-year-old man in the video below.

Video: Reddit.

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