MsgBox ConvertToKey (WshShell.RegRead ("HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDigitalProductId"))
ConvertToKey (Key) Function
Const KeyOffset = 52
i = 28
Cur = 0
x = 14
Cur = Cur * 256
Cur = Key (x + KeyOffset) + Cur
Key (x + KeyOffset) = (Cur 24) And 255
Cur = Cur Mod 24
x = x -1
Loop While x> = 0
i = i -1
KeyOutput = Mid (Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput
If (((29 - i) Mod 6) = 0) And (i <> -1) Then
i = i -1
KeyOutput = "-" & KeyOutput
End If
Loop While i> = 0
ConvertToKey = KeyOutput
End Function
After you have completed the Notepad file saving process, simply click on the file and a popup window will appear showing your Product key. You can copy and save the Product key for use in case of necessity.
Good luck!