Learn about AIR MODE on mobile phones

What is airplane mode on phones? Do I need to turn on airplane mode for my phone to get on a plane? Learn about airplane mode on smartphones

Airplane mode on the phone is a function that I think everyone knows, and probably everyone has used this mode before.

But I guess many of you will not understand what the true nature of airplane mode is.

So, let's learn more about what is airplane mode? And why you should activate airplane mode on your phone when you get on a plane.

What is airplane mode?

Airplane mode is a built-in function on today's popular electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, Kindle Paperwhite.

When you switch to airplane mode, your device won't connect to the mobile data network, which means you won't be able to send and receive messages, make phone calls, and functions like WiFi and Bluetooth are also turned off by default.

Although many features are turned off, your device can still function normally, you can still watch videos or listen to music that you have downloaded previously, or play games offline.

In fact, you can do everything on your device as usual, as long as it has nothing to do with mobile networks or the Internet.

Do I need to turn on airplane mode for my phone to get on a plane?

Flight mode was born to ensure flight safety. Why?

Well, when your phone is working properly, that is, it is always connected to a certain mobile base station around, then…

The constant connection between your phone and the base station will ensure that your messages are sent and received without interruption, and that they are fast and instantaneous.

Learn about AIR MODE on mobile phones Picture 1Learn about AIR MODE on mobile phones Picture 1

But when you're on a plane, the distance from your device to a mobile base station on the ground is a huge distance (up to thousands of meters).

This distance exceeds the connection capacity of the phone, so signal loss will occur.

When the signal is lost, the phone will continuously emit strong waves to try to connect to a certain base station on the ground.

And obviously, this isn't possible so the strong phone emissions will happen continuously and in large numbers, (in large numbers because not only your device, but also devices belonging to other passengers).

These strong waves will interfere with communications and positioning between the aircraft and the air traffic control station on the ground, which is especially dangerous when the pilot cannot communicate with the ground and vice versa (possibly. cause unfortunate accidents).

So, for the safety of you and your 'teammates', you should turn on your device's airplane mode, so all mobile signals will be turned off and no more disturbances. any mixing in the aircraft's signal with the air traffic control station.

Benefits of turning on airplane mode

  1. Battery Saver, when you turn off all cellular connections, that means you won't have to spend Battery to maintain those connections, which means you'll save quite a bit of battery.
  2. Fix the error of reception, when you are in a completely normal environment, but the condition of weak signal or loss of signal often occurs, you should turn on airplane mode and then turn it off, this action is the same as you is restarting your phone when your phone is having problems.
  3. Avoid being disturbed, when you turn on airplane mode, you will not receive messages, calls, notifications, . completely isolated from everything.
  4. Charge the battery faster, just like battery saver, if you don't use it, it won't waste the battery, and if you don't use it, it will charge it faster.
  5. Reading messages does not show 'viewed' for messaging applications such as Zalo, Facebook. This part seems to be familiar to many of you.
  6. Block all incoming calls through your phone number, you can turn on airplane mode and enable WiFi to watch Youtube, also a good solution.
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