Step 3: Check privacy settings for Contact
In the Contact Information window , you can also control who can see your contact information. Change the privacy settings in the same way you did for profile information. As in step 2, you can also customize your privacy settings.
Step 4: Check which applications and websites access what information
You always need to check what information and applications can access. What kind of information can your friend provide about you. You can see quick instructions on this issue by pressing the Learn More button. If you want to change what your friends can share about you with third-party apps and websites, click the Edit Settings button in the What your friends can share about you section . Should share as little information as possible if possible, but this depends on your preference.
In the Blocked Applications area, you can block certain applications that you don't want to be able to access your information (anything). You can also ignore application requests from certain friends. Currently, you can only do it by typing in your personal name. It would be better if Facebook added the ability to skip an entire list of friends.
Step 5: Control who can search for you
You can control who can search your profile on Facebook by going to the Search area. Then choose one of 5 options: Everyone , Friends and Networks , Friends of Friends , and Only Friends . You can change whether the search engine can pull out items that you post and label so people can see it.
Step 6: Lock those you don't want to access any of your information
In the Block area, you can block some people you don't want to be able to access your Facebook information. Note that, if you have ticked the Public Search Results check box, the locked people will still be able to view your information through search.
Step 7: Remember your privacy settings when posting items
If you use Facebook bookmarklet or post directly from the site, always check the privacy settings on the item you are posting. In the lower right corner, you will see a lock icon. If you click on it, you can change who can see it. Another interesting thing is that you can also customize the view the way you feel best.
Facebook has provided a way for you to control who can see your information. With this method you can completely change your privacy settings to get the best you can.