Step 1:
Start Google Maps on your phone. Click the 3 dashes icon above and select Settings .
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 5
Step 2:
Under Settings, select Google Location settings and access Google Location History .
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 6
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 7
Step 3:
Uncheck the box below to turn off the Location History feature.
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 8
If you've accidentally saved several locations on the map, you can also delete them to make sure you're not being tracked at any time.
Step 1:
In the Google Maps interface, select your Timeline entry.
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 9
Step 2:
The timeline with saved locations will be converted to a new link. Click on the incisors image and select Delete all location history .
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 10
Step 3:
The confirmation request table appears. Check the box I understand and want to delete all Location History and select Delete location history to complete the operation.
Instructions to prevent Google from tracking your location Picture 11
So you have completed the steps to turn off the Location History feature on your phone and computer. Previously saved locations have also been deleted from History.
However, disabling the Location History feature does not prevent Google from tracking your location. To know why, you can refer to the Google article that still tracks your location even when Location History is turned off.
To really turn off location tracking, Google says you must navigate to the settings buried deep in the Google Account called Web & App Activity , which are set by default to share your information, including Includes location information, IP address and more. However, finding this installation is not easy.
Log in to your Google account on your iOS browser, desktop browser or via the Android settings menu.
In the browser, access the installation account by searching Google Account in the drop-down menu in the upper right corner, then heading to Personal Info & Privacy , select Go to My Activity . In the left navigation, click on the Activity Controls , where you will see the setting called Web & App Activity , turn it off.
On Android phones, switch from Google settings to Google account , then touch Data & personalization . You will see the Web & App Actitvity installation here.
Google makes users believe that Web & App Activity is not related to location. In fact, this setting is just above the Location History option, at first glance people will think they are unrelated. And Google's description of the Web & App Activity: 'Save your activity on Google pages and apps so you can search faster, make better suggestions and bring more personalized experiences in Maps, Search and other Google applications'. From here you tap Learn more , then scroll down to What's saved as Web & App Activity and touch Info about your searches & more before Google says anything about the location.
To stop that tracking, turn off the Web & App Activity slider . Google will issue a warning 'Pausing Web & App Activity May limit or disable more personalized experiences across Google services. For example, you may stop seeing more results tìm kiếm hoặc xác định các trường bạn Care about. Không khi khi này đặt một gói này, Google đã được phép dùng thông tin từ gần đây tìm kiếm vào để thực hiện kích cỡ của phiên bản search tìm kiếm (Can disable Web & App Activity can limit or disable personal experience on services Google, for example, may not see relevant search results or suggestions about where you are interested in. Even if this setting is turned off, Google may temporarily use recent search information to improve it. Search session quality is active.
Refer to the following article:
I wish you all success!