Instructions on how to quickly change file extensions on Windows 10, 11

Instructions on how to change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 or Mac OS in the most detailed way that you can do on your computer.

 You currently want to change the file extension on your computer, but have not been successful yet? Then in the article below, TipsMake will guide you how to change the file extension on Windows 10, 11 or Mac OS in the most detailed way.

Common file extensions on Windows

On Windows operating system, there are many common file extensions that users often encounter as follows:

Text file extension

  1. .txt: Plain text file, no formatting.
  2. .doc / .docx: Microsoft Word text file.
  3. .pdf: Portable Document Format text file, often used to share documents with a fixed format.
  4. .rtf: Rich Text Format, supports some text formats such as fonts, colors.

Instructions on how to quickly change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 Picture 1Instructions on how to quickly change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 Picture 1

Text file extension

Image file extension

  1. .jpg / .jpeg: High quality compressed image file, often used for photos.
  2. .png: Lossless compressed image file, supports transparent background.
  3. .gif: Animated image file, supports 256 colors and transparent background.
  4. .bmp: Bitmap image file, uncompressed, high quality but large capacity.

Audio file extension

  1. .mp3: The most popular compressed audio file.
  2. .wav: Uncompressed, high quality audio file.
  3. .aac: Compressed audio file with better quality than mp3 at the same bitrate.

Video file extension

  1. .mp4: A popular compressed video file, supported by many devices and platforms.
  2. .avi: Compressed video file, supports many encoding formats.
  3. .mkv: Video container file, can contain many different video and audio formats.

Compressed file extension

  1. .zip: A popular compressed file that can contain multiple files and folders.
  2. .rar: Compressed file, often used with WinRAR software.
  3. .7z: Compressed file, used with 7-Zip software.

Why do we need to change the file extension?

Changing the file extension will be necessary in the following cases:

  1. Software recognition: Operating systems and software often rely on file extensions to determine what type of file it is and which applications can open or process it. For example, a .txt file is typically opened with a text editor, while a .jpg file is opened with an image viewer.
  2. Security: Changing file extensions can help protect against malicious attacks. For example, if you receive an .exe file from an unknown source, changing the file extension to .txt can prevent the file from executing and causing harm to your system.
  3. Format Conversion: Sometimes it is necessary to convert a file format to match the requirements of another software or device. For example, you may need to change the extension from .doc to .pdf to send a document that is easier to read and unedited.
  4. Compatibility: Some devices or software may not support certain file formats. Changing the file extension to a supported format can help ensure compatibility.

The simplest way to change file extensions on Windows 10, Windows 11

To change file extensions on Windows 10 and Windows 11 in the simplest way, you can follow these steps:

Show file extension

First, you will need to display the file extensions so you can see and change them.

For Windows 10:

Instructions on how to quickly change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 Picture 2Instructions on how to quickly change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 Picture 2

How to change files on windows10

  1. Step 1: Open File Explorer (can be opened by pressing Windows + E key combination).
  2. Step 2: Select the "View" tab on the toolbar.
  3. Step 3: Check the "File name extensions" box.

For Windows 11:

  1. Step 1: Open File Explorer (can be opened by pressing Windows + E key combination).
  2. Step 2: Select the "View" tab on the toolbar.
  3. Step 3: Select "Show" and then check "File name extensions".

Open Windows File Explorer to search for the file that needs to be renamed.

Open File Explorer (can be opened by pressing Windows key + E).

Browse through the folders and search for the file whose extension you want to change.

Use the 'Rename' function to change the file extension

  1. Right click on the file you want to change the extension to.
  2. Select "Rename".
  3. Change the file extension (the part after the period) to the new extension you want. For example: Change from file.txt to file.docx.
  4. Press Enter to save the changes. A warning dialog box may appear, asking if you are sure you want to change the file extension, select "Yes".

Save all changes

  1. After changing the file extension, make sure you save all changes by pressing Enter.
  2. Check that the file has been successfully changed and is working properly.

How to change file extension on Windows 10, Windows 11 using 'Save as' option

To change file extensions on Windows 10 and Windows 11 using the "Save as" option, you can follow these steps:

Open the file that needs to be changed with the correct software that the file is running on.

If you want to change the file extension of a Word file, open it with Microsoft Word. If it is an image file, open it with the corresponding image viewer software.

Open the menu to select 'Save as'

In the software you are using, find the 'File' menu in the upper left corner, then select 'Save As' or "Save as type".

Change the desired file extension format in the 'Save as type' dialog box

  1. When the "Save As" dialog box appears, you will see an option called 'Save as type' or "Save as type".
  2. Click the drop-down arrow and select the file extension format you want from the list.

Save all changes

After selecting the file extension format, give the file a new name if needed, then click 'Save' or "Save" to save the file with the new extension.

How to change file extension on Mac OS

To change the file extension on Mac OS, we can follow these steps:

Show file extension

To display file extensions on Mac OS, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Open Finder.
  2. Step 2: In the top menu bar, select Finder -> Preferences.
  3. Step 3: In the Preferences window, select the Advanced tab.
  4. Step 4: Check the box Show all filename extensions.

Open the Preview application and select the file you want to convert.

  1. Open the Preview app. You can find it in your Applications folder or by using Spotlight (Cmd + Space and type "Preview").
  2. Open the file you want to change the extension to by dragging and dropping the file into Preview or select File -> Open. and find the file you want to open.

Go to the File menu and select Export

  1. Once the file is open in Preview, select File in the top menu bar.
  2. Select Export. from the drop-down menu.

Select the file extension you want to change and save all changes.

  1. In the Export As window, give the file a new name (if necessary).
  2. Select the desired file extension from the drop-down menu next to Format.
  3. Select the location to save the new file and click Save to save the file with the new extension.

Above are instructions on how to change file extensions on Windows 10, 11 or Mac OS quickly and simply. We hope to bring you useful information to easily apply in each case.

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