To proceed with this process, we will use MalwareBytes, download and copy to a USB drive, and then install it on the infected computer. It is best to restart the computer in Safe Mode and perform a full scan:
For special cases where users cannot install MalwareBytes , please use SUPERAntiSpyware:
If you are lucky, you will completely remove this malicious program from the system. And don't forget to use Microsoft Security Essentials to ensure system safety.
Cannot use any program after removing the virus:
Next is another quite common situation, that is, after removing the malicious program from the system, the user cannot open any application. Why is that?
Simply because the virus overwrites the information in the system's Registry keys, requiring Windows to activate the virus itself instead of user-side applications (files with * .exe files and shortcuts), This means that you cannot open the Registry to edit it. To fix this, the author created 1 reg file on the computer completely normal:
To fix the problem, you only need to download this file, copy to the infected computer, extract and run the * .reg file inside it. Good luck!