Impressive sentences of Jack Ma with Vietnamese students

Learn from the failure of others and not learn words successfully, Jack Ma shared with Hanoi students on July 10, 2017.

During the 90-minute conversation with Hanoi students on the afternoon of November 6, Jack Ma has many statements that show an optimistic spirit, inspiring young people.

See more: All things about Jack Ma - Billionaire admires the whole world

Trust in young people

'Last night, when walking in Hanoi, I saw many young Vietnamese people looking very happy, always smiling on their lips and playing folk games. I wonder why they are so happy? I think the first is because they are young, the second is that they have hope for the future of the country. '

'I was not born in a wealthy family, I did not have a rich father, I did not have a great uncle, but it was great for me.'

'Countries with many young people, trust in young people, those countries have a future. The government should pay attention to the next 30 years, to young people under 30, those with fewer than 30 employees'.

Picture 1 of Impressive sentences of Jack Ma with Vietnamese students

"I see a lot of successful people in the world like Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs . have in common is never complaining, never negative."

'54% of the Vietnamese population uses smartphones but many people take the time to play games on it. Find ways to trade, communicate with people online. Take advantage of the Internet to get knowledge and information '.

'The moment that formed me today is when I invited 17 people to start the idea. We are not smart, know nothing about technology, but we believe in the future and try step by step. '

The spirit of optimism despite failing countless times

'Learn from others' failures, not learn from success. To succeed, you must learn the story of why they failed.

'I call Alibaba the 1,001 mistakes. But the more errors you make, the stronger you will be. '

'I don't think I'm smarter than you guys. I missed college three times. I stumble, I stand up, stumble again, then stand up again. And I succeed '.

'Young people don't worry about failure, it's just a challenge of life, it makes you stronger'.

'Every day I have a lot of problems, if crying can be solved, I will cry all day. However, crying only makes me feel better, and my team will not be happy. Therefore, what I have to do is make myself happy. I warmed my left hand with my right hand. "

"I don't believe in superheroes. I believe in super fighting spirit, not giving up."

'People with looks are not as beautiful as I can be actors. I try to become a singer, an actor, an artist. I want to try and experience those things in my life. I just joined a Kungfu movie and I know it's not easy to be an actor '.

Start-up advice

'If you want to build a good business, you have to build a good team. Find the right person, the most suitable person, not the best. '

'A person can go very fast, but if you want to go a long way, you must have a teammate'.

'The most important thing in business is not money but a good idea and people with the same ideas'.

'There is no business opportunity that makes you successful tomorrow, the next year. If you want to do anything today, remember if you keep doing it, you will succeed in the next 10 years'.

'When you want to do something, you need ideas and dreams. Ideas are things you can do that others can't do, which you can do better than others, which you can do differently than the majority. If you are like another person, you don't have a better chance than they do. '

Picture 2 of Impressive sentences of Jack Ma with Vietnamese students

'Nobody is a superman. If you want to be successful, you must be realistic, focused and teamwork. '

'I do not want employees to come to the company with a smile but leave with tears. I want customers, partners, and shareholders to leave with smiles from Alibaba ".

'My advice is when looking for partners, don't invite friends to the company. Many people around the world tend to invite friends, but close friends are often not good associates'.

'I don't want my friend to become a partner. But when someone is my partner, I try my best to become their friend. '

'When you are 20-30 years old, you have to find a good boss, not a good company, and learn from him. When you're 30-40 years old, if you want to do something for yourself, do it. 40-50 years old, do what you are good at. At the age of 50-60, you should give opportunities to young people '.

'Any age is a good time to do business'.

'We need to have EQ, IQ and also need LQ (Love Quotient). EQ to understand, support and help others. IQ helps you have knowledge to work better. Why do you need LQ? Many people earn a lot of money but never respect others. You need to care about others. That's my advice '.

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