Identify hardware errors in the computer

If your computer is working properly, it will hang or start automatically or turn itself off. Follow these simple steps to fix these errors. - Your computer is working properly, it will hang or start automatically or turn itself off. Follow these simple steps to fix these errors.

1. Check for newly installed software or hardware:

If the crashes occur when you have just installed a certain software or hardware or a new driver, uninstall this program to remove the problem.

2. Check the hard drive capacity

Unable to find the virus, check the drive capacity C, make sure that there are still more than 20% of the unused capacity. Low capacity may lead to sudden hang-up.

3. Check if the device is too hot

Overheating can also lead to a hang-up. This situation occurs because of problems from fans, dirt, or other cooling problems. Make sure that the fan and power source of the CPU is not clogged with dirt. You can check the case temperature by running Motherboard monitor. Be careful when cleaning the inside of the computer case and never open the power because it contains high voltage.

4. Check the hard drive

Checking the hard drive by logical structure error may occur. To check for a drive error, right-click on drive C at My Computer > Tool , check all the boxes in Check disk options and click Check now . It will ask if you want to restart the computer. Select Yes and restart your computer. The test process will run automatically after startup and will take some time. The program will try to fix the error automatically. However, if your hard drive has a physical error, you will have to replace it. Running Disk Defragmenter ( Start Menu > Programs > Accessories > System Tools ) is also a good idea.

5. Check the internal memory

Sometimes, internal memory (RAM) may also cause crashes. Check memory by running Windows Memory Diagnostic, download it at If an error occurs in RAM, try plugging in RAM again. If the problem is still not resolved, you will have to replace another RAM.

6. Check for other hardware errors

Some other hardware may also cause a crash. You can check the hardware using the Ultimate Boot CD (download here). However, you should only use it when you know how to use this disk because some programs in this disc may be harmful when used incorrectly (some may wipe your drive).

7. Run the antivirus program

One of the first things you should do when your computer crashes is to run an antivirus program. Check for updates and new virus lists for your antivirus program at the manufacturer's website. This is important because the old antivirus program will not work. If you do not install an antivirus program or do not have a new update, you can visit a virus-killing website of major antivirus vendors that offer free such as Trend Micro.

8. Update for Windows and drivers

Long-term software that is not updated can also cause hangs. Please update your windows and drivers by visiting

The above steps can help fix errors in most cases of crashes. There are still many cases that can happen, depending on the configuration of each machine. Ask PC troubleshooting forums / newsgroups for help.

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