How to view upgrade history in Windows 10

Viewing the detailed Windows upgrade history can be very helpful when learning about Windows builds and versions previously installed on a Windows 10 PC.

Every time you upgrade Windows 10 (for example from Home edition to Pro edition) or upgrade Windows 10 build (for example, new build via Windows Update), this upgrade history is stored in the registry.

View Windows upgrade history in Registry Editor

Step 1. Press Win + R to open Run , type regedit into Run and click OK to open Registry Editor.

Step 2. Navigate to the key below in the left panel of Registry Editor.


Step 3. Look to the right side of each Source OS (Updated on) subkeyin the Setup key . Each Source OS subkey will give you BuildBranch, CurrentBuild (build number), ProductName (version), ReleaseID (version number), etc., detailing the upgrade history of Windows installed before.

How to view upgrade history in Windows 10 Picture 1How to view upgrade history in Windows 10 Picture 1

View Windows upgrade history in PowerShell

Step 1. Open PowerShell.

Step 2. Copy and paste the below command into PowerShell and press Enter. This command will collect your PC's Windows upgrade history from the registry and assign it to $ OSUpgradeHistory.


$OSUpgradeHistory = $(gci "HKLM:SystemSetup" | ? {$_.Name -match "Sources"}) | % { $_ | Select @{n="UpdateTime";e={if ($_.Name -match "Updatedsons(d{1,2}/d{1,2}/d{4}sd{2}:d{2}:d{2}))$") {[dateTime]::Parse($Matches[1],([Globalization.CultureInfo]::CreateSpecificCulture('en-US')))}}}, @{n="ReleaseID";e={$_.GetValue("ReleaseID")}},@{n="Branch";e={$_.GetValue("BuildBranch")}},@{n="Build";e={$_.GetValue("CurrentBuild")}},@{n="ProductName";e={$_.GetValue("ProductName")}},@{n="InstallTime";e={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.GetValue("InstallTime"))}} };

Step 3. Copy and paste the below command into PowerShell and press Enter. This command will display $ OSUpgradeHistory.

$OSUpgradeHistory | Sort UpdateTime | ft UpdateTime, ReleaseID, Branch, Build, ProductName

Step 4. You should now see Windows upgrade history on your Windows 10 PC.

How to view upgrade history in Windows 10 Picture 2How to view upgrade history in Windows 10 Picture 2

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