How to translate directly with iTranslate Converse on iOS

Converse iTranslate is a real-time translation application on iOS devices, with the ability to translate to 38 different languages.

Apps that support translation on smartphones today have become much more useful and useful, compared to previous applications. We can capture the image and then the application will proceed to translate the language. Or some applications also support translating directly on the device, such as iTranslate Converse application for iOS devices, for example.

iTranslate Converse has the ability to translate languages ​​directly on the device and supports translation to 38 different languages. For those who often exchange and interact with foreigners, iTranslate Converse application will definitely support you a lot. How to use iTranslate Converse app to speak the language directly will be in the article below.

Note to readers , to use this live translation application, the device needs to connect to Wi-Fi during use. If you want the opposite person to see the translated text, just turn the screen upside down.

Step 1:

Download the iTranslate Converse app for iOS devices with the link below.

  1. Download iOS iTranslate Converse app

Step 2:

Then click on the application icon to launch. First, press Get Started to use iTranslate Converse. Since you are using the free version, click on Start my Free trial .

How to translate directly with iTranslate Converse on iOS Picture 1How to translate directly with iTranslate Converse on iOS Picture 1 How to translate directly with iTranslate Converse on iOS Picture 2How to translate directly with iTranslate Converse on iOS Picture 2

Step 3:

Next will be the introduction interface, click Show Me How , then click on Grant Access in the following interface.

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To be able to use the app to translate directly iTranslate Converse, users need to grant Microphone access and voice recognition system on the device (Speech Recognition). Click OK to agree.

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Step 4:

Go to the new interface, you will see the application guide to use that device to turn the mic under the camera body towards the speaker, press Give it a Try . Finally, you need to rotate the device according to the instructions to be able to use the application.

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Step 5:

At the main interface of the application, swipe the screen up to select the language used for the application. By default, the language you need to translate is the English application, you click on the national flag to change the translation language.

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Step 6:

Appears a list of languages ​​supported by Converse iTranslate. There are 38 different languages ​​that the application supports. Select the language you want to use and click Done to save.

After that, you can choose the language spoken below. By default, the spoken language will be below and the language to be translated above. Drag the white arrow at the top to return to the interpreter interface.

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Step 7:

After you've set up the language for the application, when you see the words Tap & Hold to translate , you will press and hold the screen to say the language you want to translate. The length can be in one sentence, one word and release after finishing speaking. You need to be clear about the speaker part of the device so that the application can identify the language and return the correct results.

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Step 8:

The screen will display the language we talked about on the device. You wait for the application to perform translation work, then the application will translate with text displayed on the screen and pronounce it for the opposite person to hear. To reopen the language selection interface, drag the white arrow from the bottom of the screen upwards.

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Step 9:

In addition, when you bring down the white arrow above the screen, users will come to the setup interface for the iTranslate Converse application. When you click on Settings, you will see options using the application, especially the Sound section.

This Sound part is the pronunciation of the translation language so others can hear it. You can adjust the pronunciation or not when using iTranslate Converse application.

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A pretty useful translation app ?! iTranslate Converse will translate languages ​​directly when you speak, according to the source language and selected translation language while in use. Please connect to WiFi and pronounce clearly, clearly so that the application can recognize the voice and translate the language okay.

I wish you all success!

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