How to open Windows Security in Windows 10
General information
As we know, Windows 10 provides users with the latest anti-virus protection with Windows Security.When you start Windows 10 for the first time, Windows Security will turn on and proactively protect your device by scanning malicious software (malicious software), viruses, and other security threats.
- If you have installed another antivirus application, Windows Defender Antivirus may automatically turn off.
- If you are running Windows 10 in S mode, some Windows Security features will be slightly different.Windows 10 in S mode is streamlined for greater security, so the options for virus protection and security threats will also be less.This is because Windows 10's built-in security feature in S mode automatically prevents viruses and other threats from appearing on your device.In addition, devices running Windows 10 in S mode will automatically receive security update packages.
- In previous versions of Windows 10, Windows Security was called Windows Defender Security Center.
Windows Security uses real-time protection to scan downloaded data as well as the programs you run on your device.In addition, Windows Update also automatically downloads updates for Windows Security to help keep your device safe and protect your device from potential threats.
Windows Security will provide antivirus protection updates by showing you when:
- Your device was last scanned for the emergence of threats.
- Your Definition was last updated.Definition is the file that Windows Security uses to protect your device from the latest threats.
- The device's performance and stability scanner is run to make sure your device works efficiently.
Windows Security has seven device protection zones and allows you to specify how you want to protect your device as follows:
- Virus & threat protection: Monitor potential threats to your device, scan and receive updated packages to help detect the latest threats.In Windows 10 version 1709, Virus & threat protection also provides additional options to configure access to controlled folders.
- Account protection: Make it easier for users to protect their identity when logging into Windows with Account Protection in Windows Defender Security Center.Account protection will encourage password users to set up Windows Hello Face, Fingerprint or PIN code for faster login and will notify Dynamic lock users in case of Dynamic lock inactivity because of a phone or Bluetooth device Their are turned off.
- Firewall & network protection: Manage settings for Windows Defender Firewall and monitor what is happening to your network and Internet connection.
- App & browser control: Allows you to use Windows Defender SmartScreen to help protect your device from applications, files, websites and downloads that may contain potentially dangerous.In addition, App & browser control also provides exploit protection feature.With this feature, you can customize the protection settings for your device.In Windows 10 version 1709, this section also provides options to configure the configuration protection.
- Device security: Gives you a better insight into the security features built into your Windows device.The Device security feature gives you reports on the status and management of integrated security features in your device, including conversion features to provide enhanced protection capabilities. higher.
- Device performance & health: Review the device's operation status and keep your device 'always clean' as well as always updated with the latest Windows 10 version.
- Family options: Provides easy access to manage your child's online activities and devices in your family.
You will see some security areas that will display status icons:
- Green means your device is fully protected as well as without any threats.That means you won't have to deploy any additional security settings.
- Yellow means there are some suggestions for setting up safe settings for you.
- Red warns you that there is a security risk, you need to check back immediately.
Example: Windows Security interface:
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 1
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10
- General information
- Open Windows Security from the icon in the notification area
- Open Windows Security in the Start menu
- Open Windows Security from Settings
- View and change settings on Windows Security.
- Virus & threat protection
- Account protection
- Firewall & network protection
- App & browser control
- Device security
- Device performance & health
- Family options
Open Windows Security from the icon in the notification area
1. Click the Windows Security icon on your taskbar.
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 2
2. You can now view and change the settings on Windows Security.
Open Windows Security in the Start menu
1. Open the Start menu.
2. Click Windows Security in the All Apps list.
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 3
3. You can now view and change the settings on Windows Security.
Open Windows Security from Settings
1. Open Settings and click the Update & Security icon.
2. Click Windows Security on the left, then click the Open Windows Defender Security Center button or click the Protection area you want to open directly.
Note : Starting with Windows 10 build 17093, the installation page has been renamed from 'Windows Defender' to 'Windows Security' on the left, and added links for protected areas).
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 4
3. You can now view and change the settings on Windows Security.
View and change settings on Windows Security.
Now you can view and change the settings you like right on the homepage.
Virus & threat protection
Virus & threat protection brings a new look to your antivirus feature even if it is just a Windows Defender Antivirus that comes with Windows 10 software or an antivirus program from one of the partners in the birth system. our state.If you have selected Windows Defender Antivirus, the scan results and information about threats to your device will be displayed here, or you can also launch a third-party AV protection application. in Virus & threat protection.
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Account protection
Account protection makes it easier for users to protect their identity when logging into Windows with Account Protection in Windows Defender Security Center.Account protection will encourage password users to set up Windows Hello Face, fingerprint or PIN to log in faster and will notify Dynamic lock users in case Dynamic lock stops working because of phone or device.
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 10
Firewall & network protection
Firewall & network protection provides information about network connection and active firewall settings on Windows, as well as links to network troubleshooting information.
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App & browser control
Control applications and browsers, allowing you to adjust SmartScreen settings for applications and browsers that help you get more information and stay safe by alerting you to potentially malicious websites, Downloaded files and unrecognized applications on the Internet.
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Device security
Device security helps you better understand the security features built into your Windows device.The Device security page also provides you with a report on the status and management of security features built into your device, including conversion features to provide enhanced protection.
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Device performance & health
Device performance & health gives you the latest information about Windows updates, drivers, battery life and storage capacity.In addition, you are provided with the feature to Refresh Windows.This option will retain your personal files and some Windows settings, and will delete most applications to 'refresh' the system, helping improve device performance.
(Starting with Windows 10 build 17704, Microsoft has added a new review for time services on Windows. If Windows detects that your device is not properly synced with Microsoft's time server and Time synchronization service is disabled, Microsoft will provide options for you to re-enable).
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Family options
Family options gives you an easy way to connect with available online family options.This page can link to you with information about parental controls, the option to set the time-to-use habits, set up your child's online activity reports and manage the control of purchasing applications. and games.You can also monitor the stability and safety of the device with this option.
How to open Windows Security in Windows 10 Picture 21
Good luck!
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