How to Know if Your Number is Blocked

Finding out if you've been blocked by someone can be uncomfortable. If you think you've been blocked and need to check one way or another, you can call the number a few times and listen to how the call ends. Note: If you know that the person has blocked you and still tries to call, they may sue you for harassment.

Find out if you're blocked

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Call the person you think has blocked you. Usually, if you send a text message, you can't determine whether someone has blocked you or not, so you need to call them.

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Hear how the call ends. If the call ends after one ring (or maybe just half a ring) and you're sent to voicemail, you've been blocked or the person's phone is unreachable.

Depending on the person's carrier, you may hear a message that the number cannot be called. Carriers like AT&T and Sprint often have this message, and it means you've been blocked.

Of course, if that person picks up the phone, it means you are not blocked.

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Call the person again to confirm. Sometimes calls will go to voicemail even if the connection is stable and your phone number is not blocked; Calling back helps you confirm how the call ended.

If your call still ends after one ring or less and goes to voicemail, there is definitely a problem with that person's phone number or they have blocked your call.

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Call the person back by hiding the number. You can do this by entering "*67" before their phone number. Although you can hardly expect the person to pick up the phone when you see an unknown number, calling this way will help determine the status of the person's phone:

If you can still call as usual--like five or more rings--then that person has blocked your number.

If the call still ends after one ring or less and goes to voicemail, the person's phone may have run out of battery.

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Ask a friend to call that number. If you think you've been blocked and want confirmation, you can ask a friend to call the number and ask for clarification. Remember that even though this may seem effective, it may damage the relationship between your friend and the person who blocked you.

Find another way to communicate even if blocked

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Understand the possible consequences. If you're just accidentally blocked, that person probably won't feel uncomfortable hearing your voice. However, you may be considered harassment if you try to make contact when the person has created distance between you two. Pay attention to the legality of defying a block in your area before proceeding.

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Hide phone number. You can do this by entering "*67" before the phone number you are trying to call; As a result, your call will be displayed as an unknown number.

Most people do not pick up the phone when they see a "restricted" or "strange" number; The reason is because telemarketers often use this tactic to call numbers on the do-not-pick-up list.

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Message the person via an IM service. If you and the person both use Facebook, for example, you can use Messenger to try to contact them. You can apply this to WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, or any other IM service you both use.

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Leave a voice message. Even if the person doesn't receive a notification of your call or voice message, it will still appear on their phone. You can take advantage of this vulnerability to send important information to them if needed.

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Try to contact via social networks. If you absolutely must contact someone who has blocked you, you can email or message them using multiple social media accounts. Let's again consider the stakes here: If you're just upset because they blocked you, it's best to not do anything until both you and the person have calmed down.

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