How to Get a Job with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications

A bachelor's degree in communications provides a solid foundation for many fields. An understanding of effective communication methods and skills is important in entertainment, education, social services, marketing, sales and management....
Method 1 of 4:

Explore Your Personal Talents and Interests

  1. How to Get a Job with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications Picture 1How to Get a Job with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications Picture 1
    Reflect back on why you chose to major in communications. Maybe you enjoy sports and would like to eventually be a sports announcer. Communicating information in writing might be a passion. You might have a gift for language and enjoy bringing clarity to situations.
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    Create a list of the types of positions that require solid communication skills. Teachers, salespeople, speakers, writers, managers, tour guides and researchers are just a few examples. Determine which position(s) appeal to you most.
Method 2 of 4:

Pinpoint Your Preferred Industry

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    Identify your strengths and interests. You might enjoy conveying information to others, which is a useful skill in education, business, entertainment, health care and social services. If you enjoy making others laugh, you might choose entertainment. If you are moved by helping others to achieve their life goals, education or social services might be the right avenues.
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    Gain knowledge about the specific industry. For example, if you would like to work in the software industry as a salesperson, learn about this specific arena. Read up on various software companies, their products and main competitors.
Method 3 of 4:

Begin a Job Search

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    Look for internship opportunities for communications graduates. If you have no work experience, internships provide an opportunity to explore the inner workings of an industry. They also help strengthen your resume. Internship opportunities may be found by visiting university career offices, company websites or job search sites.
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    Attend campus career fairs. Contact your university career center to inquire about campus events geared toward alumni or communications graduates.
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    Contact companies directly. Visit the websites of companies in your preferred industries to look for job opportunities.
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    Network with friends and family. Let people know that you are looking for a job by talking to them or posting notes on social networking sites. Explain that you are a communications graduate and elaborate on the types of tasks you enjoy.
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    Contact temporary agencies. One of the best ways to identify an ideal professional fit is by registering with a temporary agency. These services allow you to enter various work environments on a temporary basis to gain valuable experience and narrow down your professional interests. In some cases, a temporary position can become permanent if the employer has a need and is happy with your work.
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    Check job websites on a regular basis. Conduct a keyword search for "degree in communications" to find employers that are looking specifically for communications graduates.
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    Demonstrate your communication skills by submitting a high-quality resume and cover letter. Employers pay attention to how well you communicate your experience and interests. Review these documents many times to remove extraneous words, clarify ambiguous statements, and correct any typos or punctuation errors.
Method 4 of 4:

Prepare for the Interview

  1. How to Get a Job with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications Picture 12How to Get a Job with a Bachelor's Degree in Communications Picture 12
    Read the employer's website. Demonstrate your interest and ability to process large amounts of information by learning about the employer's history, products, services, successes and relevant data.
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    Review your background and achievements. Rehearse how you would answer questions about why the job is a fit for you. Communications graduates are typically expected to be interested in interacting and communicating with people. Preparing for the interview will allow you to relax and communicate clearly during the interview.
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