Instructions on how to post 360-degree videos on Facebook

Surely you are no longer unfamiliar with the concept of 360-degree images, when Facebook now supports so users can post 360-degree images. So can we shoot 360-degree videos?

Delivering a completely different experience from the images that we capture in normal mode, photos taken in 360 degrees can help you view the panorama with different angles. And now, Facebook has also supported users to post 360-degree images on Facebook. So have you heard of video recording under 360 mode?

In nature, 360-degree video is the same as 360-degree images, when users can view the panorama at the place where the device is located. However, to be able to capture 360-degree videos and post on Facebook is not easy when we post images.

  1. How to capture and post Panorama 360-degree photos on Facebook

When a user records a 360-degree video, you can see the whole scene at the place where the device is located, unlike the normal video when you can only view the scene in front of the video.

1. 360-degree video recording device:

To be able to create a 360-degree video, we cannot use conventional smartphone devices to record video, since there is no built-in 30-degree recording mode. You can consult some devices that support 360-degree video recording like RICOH THETA, ALLie by IC Real Tech, Giroptic 360cam, 360fly.

Instructions on how to post 360-degree videos on Facebook Picture 1Instructions on how to post 360-degree videos on Facebook Picture 1

2. How to upload 360-degree videos to Facebook?

Just like uploading 360-degree images to Facebook will help us to experience many interesting shooting angles, uploading 360-degree videos to Facebook is equally unique.

However, before you decide to post 360-degree videos, pay attention to the recommendation for Facebook 360-degree videos:

  1. Maximum capacity of 1.75GB.
  2. Maximum length: 10 minutes.
  3. Format: MP4.
  4. Video Codec: H.264
  5. Audio Codec: MP3 or AAC audio.
  6. Resolution: Maximum input resolution 4k (4096x2048).
  7. Size: Ratio of 2: 1.
  8. Depth: Mono.

Once you are sure there is a video with the above criteria, you may be ready to post on Facebook. With a personal page, posting videos on Facebook is similar to when we video.

As for Facebook Fanpage, you need to do a few more operations. Log in to your Facebook Fanpage. Next at the interface you click on the video item and select Add video to select the video you want to upload.

The video upload interface appears, click on the Advanced tab , then check the This video was recorded in 360 format box (This video was recorded in 360 ° format).

Soon, you will see the entry to enter the dimension and the camera's original observation field for 360-degree video. Finally wait for the download process to complete and click Publish (Post) to download 360-degree video onto Fanpage Facebook .

Instructions on how to post 360-degree videos on Facebook Picture 2Instructions on how to post 360-degree videos on Facebook Picture 2

The above is a trick for you to upload videos in 360 degree mode on Facebook and Fanpage Facebook. Currently there is no smartphone integrated 360-degree shooting features into Camera, so please refer to the device that supports 360-degree video recording offline.

Refer to the following articles:

  1. Guide to watching videos and 360-degree images on VLC Player
  1. How to create 360 ​​videos and upload to YouTube
  1. Instructions for setting up Live Stream feature Facebook videos on mobile and tablet

I wish you all success!

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