How to Create a Windows Icon

This wikiHow teaches you how to create a shortcut icon for a Windows computer. Desktop shortcuts typically use predetermined icons, but you can create your own icon by using an online converter. If you'd like to create a simple,...
Part 1 of 3:

Creating an Icon in ICO Convert

  1. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 1How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 1
    Open the ICO Convert website. Go to in your computer's web browser.
    1. This website allows you to create an icon out of any image file on your computer.
  2. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 2How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 2
    Click Choose file. It's a grey button near the top of the page. A File Explorer window will open.
  3. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 3How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 3
    Select a picture. Go to the location of the picture you want to use as your Windows icon, then click the picture to select it.
  4. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 4How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 4
    Click Open. It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. Doing so will prompt the picture to upload to ICO Convert.
  5. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 5How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 5
    Click Upload. This option is in the middle of the ICO Convert window. Your picture will appear on the page after a few seconds.
  6. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 6How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 6
    Crop your photo. Click and drag across the area of your photo that you want to use as the icon.
    1. The area selected area will always be square.
    2. You can move the entire crop selection by clicking and dragging the middle of it, or you can enlarge or shrink the crop selection by clicking and dragging one of its corners.
  7. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 7How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 7
    Scroll down and click Select None. It's a link below the photo. This will prevent the icon from taking on a different shape, which can cause compatibility issues on some computers.
  8. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 8How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 8
    Make sure you're using the ICO format. Scroll down and check the "ICO for Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista and XP" box.
  9. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 9How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 9
    Scroll down and click Convert ICO. You'll find this option near the bottom of the page.
  10. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 10How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 10
    Click Download your icon(s). Once this option appears at the bottom of the page, clicking it will cause your icon file to download. Once it finishes downloading, you can proceed with applying the icon to a shortcut.
    1. It's a good idea to place the icon file in a folder where it won't be deleted or moved (for example, the Pictures folder) before applying it to a shortcut.
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Part 1 Quiz

Why shouldn't you change the shape of your icon?

Nope! While changing the shape of the icon will affect your photo, it won't necessarily distort the picture. If you change the shape, you will still have the ability to crop the photo so it fits the new configuration. Try again...

Yes! If you change the shape of the icon, you might affect the icon's compatibility with your computer. This issue may not affect every computer, but you should still avoid changing the shape of your icon to be safe. Read on for another quiz question.

Not exactly! Changing the shape of the icon won't limit the shortcuts you can use. You will typically still be able to use whichever shortcut you intend to use with the new icon. There's a different reason that you should avoid changing the icon shape. Guess again!

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Part 2 of 3:

Creating an Icon in Paint

  1. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 11How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 11
    Understand the drawbacks of this method. While Paint can be used to create a basic icon, its transparency will be affected; this means that some colors won't show up in your icon. For best results, use black and white colors to create your Windows icon in Paint.
    1. If you want a more complex icon, you can draw the icon in Paint and save it as a JPG file and then use ICO Convert to create an icon.
  2. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 12How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 12
    Open Paint. Paint is a program included on all Windows computers; you can use Paint to create a simple Windows icon. To open Paint, do the following:
    1. Open Start
      How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 13How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 13
    2. Type in paint
    3. Click Paint at the top of the Start menu.
  3. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 14How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 14
    Enable gridlines. Click the View tab at the top of the Paint window, then check the "Gridlines" box at the top of the window. After you've done this, make sure you click the Home tab to return to the main Paint interface.
  4. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 15How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 15
    Resize your canvas to an icon size. On the Home tab, do the following:
    1. Click Resize
    2. Check the "Pixels" box.
    3. Uncheck the "Maintain aspect ratio" box.
    4. Type 32 into both the "Horizontal" and "Vertical" text boxes to create a 32x32 canvas.
      1. 96x96 is another commonly used icon size.
    5. Click OK
  5. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 16How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 16
    Zoom in. Since your canvas is relatively tiny, click the + icon in the bottom-right corner of the window until your canvas is large enough for you to work freely.
    1. For a 32x32 canvas, you'll probably need to zoom all the way in (800 percent) to work.
  6. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 17How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 17
    Draw your icon. Once your canvas is the proper size and scale, you're free to begin drawing your icon as you please.
    1. Design experts recommend making icons simple, vibrant, and easy to read. Remember that your icon will be much smaller when it's on your desktop, so try not to add too many tiny words or details.[1]
    2. You will most likely have to resize the brush you're using. You can do this by clicking the list of horizontal lines at the top of the Home tab and then selecting a thinner line in the resulting drop-down menu.
    3. Drawing an icon with a mouse can be a frustrating and inefficient process. If possible, use a drawing pad to create your icon.
  7. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 18How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 18
    Click File. It's in the top-left corner of the window. A drop-down menu will appear.
  8. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 19How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 19
    Select Save as. You'll find this option in the middle of the drop-down menu. Selecting it prompts a pop-out menu.
  9. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 20How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 20
    Click Other formats. It's at the bottom of the pop-out menu. Doing so opens a new window.
  10. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 21How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 21
    Enter a name and the ".ico" tag. In the "File name" text box near the bottom of the window, you'll type in whatever you want to name your icon file, followed by .ico to indicate that the file should be saved as an icon.
    1. For example, to name your icon file "Minecraft", you would type in Minecraft.ico here.
  11. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 22How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 22
    Click the "Save as type" drop-down box. You'll find this box at the bottom of the window. Clicking it prompts a drop-down menu.
  12. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 23How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 23
    Click 256 Color Bitmap. It's in the drop-down menu.
  13. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 24How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 24
    Select a save location. On the left side of the window, click a folder in which you want to save the icon file (e.g., Pictures).
    1. It's best to save your icon file in a location where you know it won't move or accidentally be deleted, as moving or deleting the icon file will cause any shortcut using the file to lose its icon.
  14. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 25How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 25
    Save your icon. Click Save in the lower-right corner of the window, then click OK in the pop-up window which appears. Your icon will be saved in your selected location. At this point, you're free to apply your icon.
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Part 2 Quiz

Why should you stick to specific colors when you're making an icon in Paint?

You're partially right! Due to the compatibility between Paint and desktop icons, not every color will show up in your icon. To avoid poor color transfer, try sticking to black and white icons or uploading your colorful icon to ICO Convert to finish creating the image. This is true, but there is also another reason you should stick to specific colors. Try again...

You're not wrong, but there's a better answer! Once you convert your drawing from a picture to an icon, the image may have transparency issues. These will affect the colors you used, which is why you should also try to stick to certain colors when designing your icon. There's a better option out there!

Almost! Some colors won't look good in your final icon. If you use the correct colors, you're more likely to have a clear finished product. However, if you want the freedom to use any color you want, you can upload your paint image to ICO Convert and change the image into an icon there. Read on for another quiz question.

That's right! Both of these limitations are why you should try to stick to specific colors in your icon. Black and white images will have fewer transparency issues and will show up better when you convert the image from a picture to an icon. Pick another answer!

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Part 3 of 3:

Applying the Icon to a Shortcut

  1. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 26How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 26
    Understand where you can use your icon. Icons can be applied to any shortcut. Shortcuts, which are links to EXE files, are typically found on the desktop, though you can apply an icon to any shortcut.
    1. The one exception to the shortcut rule is the "This PC" app icon on the desktop. While you can create a shortcut of This PC and then edit its icon, the This PC icon on the desktop cannot be edited.
    2. If you don't have a shortcut for a program, you can make one before proceeding.
  2. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 27How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 27
    Right-click a shortcut's icon. Doing so will prompt a drop-down menu.
  3. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 28How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 28
    Click Properties. It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu.
    1. If you instead see Personalize at the bottom of the list, click once the icon and then right-click it again.
  4. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 29How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 29
    Click Change Icon…. You'll see this option at the bottom of the window.
    1. If you don't see this option, first click the Shortcut tab at the top of the window.
  5. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 30How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 30
    Click Browse…. It's in the upper-right corner of the pop-up window. Doing so opens a File Explorer window.
  6. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 31How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 31
    Select your icon file. Go to the icon file's location, then click the icon file you want to use.
  7. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 32How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 32
    Click Open. It's in the bottom-right corner of the window.
  8. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 33How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 33
    Click OK. This is at the bottom of the window.
  9. How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 34How to Create a Windows Icon Picture 34
    Click Apply, then click OK. Doing so closes the open windows and applies your icon to the selected shortcut.
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Part 3 Quiz

For which program(s) can you not create an icon?

Nope! EXE files are precisely the type of shortcut for which you can create an icon. Shortcuts are quick links to EXE files on your computer, and you can typically create a new image for any of them. Click on another answer to find the right one...

Try again! You can create an icon for nearly every shortcut or program on your computer, including non-desktop programs. However, most user-created icons are applied to desktop shortcuts. Click on another answer to find the right one...

Not exactly! You can create a shortcut to "This PC" on your computer and then change the icon image. Most users will use the new icon they created with a "This PC" shortcut on their desktop. Click on another answer to find the right one...

Correct! While you can change the icon of a "This PC" shortcut, you cannot change the icon of the actual "This PC" program on your desktop. This is typically the only icon you cannot change on a computer. Read on for another quiz question.

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