How to Block In-App Purchases on iPhone

It's easy for adults to manage their App Store purchases. But it can be risky for kids. To prevent this, you can disable in-app purchases on your iPhone.

Many apps have in-app purchases that allow users to unlock additional features. Adults can easily manage these purchases on the App Store. But for kids, enabling in-app purchases can be risky, leading to hidden charges. To prevent this, you can disable in-app purchases on your iPhone by following the instructions below.

How to Block In-App Purchases on iPhone

Step 1:

On the iPhone interface, click on Settings , then click on Usage Time to adjust. Switch to the new interface, the user clicks on Enable Limit .


Step 2:

Here we need to enable Enable Restrictions mode to use other settings.

How to Block In-App Purchases on iPhone Picture 3How to Block In-App Purchases on iPhone Picture 3

Step 3:

Now you click on iTunes & App Store Purchases settings to adjust. Next click on In-app Purchases to adjust the in-app purchase feature on iPhone.


Here we need to switch from the default setting Allow to Don't Allow to disable iPhone in-app purchases.

Step 4:

In case you still enable in-app purchases on your iPhone but want to block children or others from making app purchases, in Require password , click Always require .

So whenever your child tries to make an in-app purchase, they'll need to enter the Apple ID password for that device.

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