How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup

If you accidentally reinstall the browser and lose all your data, but why not back up your bookmarks, passwords, or any web browser data? The solution is to install ...

When surfing the web, you often have the habit of saving important pages for convenient access if needed. Or often let the password save mode when accessing websites. However, if you reinstall the computer, the browser data will be lost or when your web browser encounters a problem, then all data will disappear, especially if you have not yet backed up everything.

If you have not yet backed up and the data has disappeared, then you can use FavBackup software. The tool features backup and restore important data on popular browsers today, including Chrome, Firefox, Opera and IE. FavBackup is lightweight, the interface is easy to use and does not have to install any other support programs. Join the Network Administrator to find out the backup tool FavBackup in the article below.

Note , in this article we will implement with Chrome browser. Other browsers also follow the same steps.

Step 1:

Download the software to your computer according to the link below and start. The program interface will look like the image below.

  1. Download FavBackup software for free

How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 1How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 1

Step 2:

At the Backup tab on the riboon bar, select the browser you want to back up and restore data including IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Flock. I choose Chrome browser as an example. Click Chrome or use Ctrl + C. Other browsers can use the following keystrokes:

  1. IE : Ctrl + I.
  2. Firefox : use Ctrl + F.
  3. Opera : use Ctrl + O.
  4. Safari : use Ctrl + S.
  5. Flock : Ctrl + L key combination

How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 2How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 2

Step 3:

After selecting the Chrome browser, the new interface appears. Here, we will select which items we want to back up in the Backup the following section . Select that backup folder in the Backup location section. Select the type of backup file at Profile . Click Next to proceed.

How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 3How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 3

Step 4:

Later, the program will create a backup of the settings you have selected. The backup process is fast or slow depending on your browser data more or less. Overall backup speed is relatively fast.

Step 5:

To restore the settings, we select the Restore tab on the ribon bar. Select Chrome browser. Here we will import the file backed up in the section above.

Note , the file type that has been backed up (Backup) must match the recovery file type (Restore). In my file type is Default.

Finally click Next to proceed to restore the data.

How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 4How to backup and restore web data with FavBackup Picture 4

During data recovery, the program will delete all data of the current profile including settings, cookies, history, and utilities. If you want to keep your browser settings, you can create a new profile while recovering data. Thus, data manipulation and recovery with FavBackup has ended. From now on, you don't have to worry about losing data when you reinstall your computer or browser.

Refer to the following articles:

  1. How to back up bookmarks on Google Chrome and Coc Coc
  1. How to restore the browser to the default state?
  1. 44 shortcuts are useful on all browsers

I wish you all success!

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