Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion

After the scandal of information leakage of about 87 million users, Facebook has introduced new rules to protect information to regain user trust.

After the scandal of information leakage of about 87 million users, Facebook has introduced new rules to protect information to regain user trust.

From now on, each shared information with 3rd party applications includes: check-in locations, photos, videos, articles, events, groups . Facebook will ask for permission of the user. At the same time, 3rd party software will no longer have access to personal information of users such as religion, political vision, love affair, exercise schedule . Also, If the programmers' applications are not used for 3 consecutive months, they will not be able to view user information.

Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion Picture 1Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion Picture 1

Some other changes that Facebook made to protect user personal information:

  1. Facebook users will not be able to use email or phone numbers to search for another user.
  2. Only the address that users frequently contact will be able to collect call history and messages. Facebook also offers an optional feature so users can turn it off if they don't want to be crawled. This means that all old data will not be retained and will be automatically deleted if it exists for more than one year.
  3. The API function of Instagram (Facebook image social network) is changed.
  4. From April 9, 2018, Facebook allows users to know if their information is illegally shared with Cambridge Analytica and see all 3rd party software using their information in one way. link in Newsletter (News Feed).

See more:

  1. Vietnam reached the top 10 countries with the most leaked Facebook information in the world
  2. The truth is that Cambridge Analytica has collected more than 87 million Facebook users, not 50 million
  3. Facebook admits to 'scan' all user messages on the Messenger application
  4. This is what Google and Facebook know about you, be prepared to not be shocked
  5. 10 things should not be shared on Facebook
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