Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals

Facebook's fourth-quarter earnings report was revealed, and this social media giant not only achieved business expectations but also witnessed strong growth in the number of users.

2018 is a year full of privacy scandals and heavy penalties that Facebook has to endure, even CEO Mark Zuckerberg has several times to testify before the US legislature on the violations under his management.However, contrary to the predictions from the media, Facebook still maintained a strong growth momentum in 2018, and you will not believe your eyes when looking at the income table in the 4/2018 quarter of this social networking site. .

Facebook's fourth-quarter earnings report was revealed, and this social media giant not only achieved revenue expectations but also witnessed strong growth in the number of users.

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'Our community and investments continue to grow, we have fundamentally changed the way we operate our systems, focusing more on big social issues.In addition, Facebook is constantly expanding its investment in building new projects, creating new ways to inspire and inspire people to connect with each other. 'Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a statement summarizing the situation.

Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals Picture 1Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals Picture 1

Statistics show that in December 2018, there were more than 1.52 billion Facebook users every day, an increase of 9% over the same period last year.In addition, monthly user activity also increased by 9% compared to 2017, reaching 2.32 billion accounts as of the end of December 31.

It is worth mentioning that these figures are about 1.8% higher than the previous quarter - a good sign after the social networking site recorded a slight decrease in the number of users in the US and Europe.Of course this is not the best quarterly increase that Facebook has ever achieved, but it marks a return to the company with a steady growth trend, and smashes doubts about how much Facebook will suffer. Huge losses in 2018, especially after the broken Analytical Analyze of Cambridge made Mark Zuckerberg first to testify before Congress.

In the last quarter, Facebook particularly witnessed a sharp increase in the number of users in both Europe and the United States - areas where this social network faced the most criticism.Facebook also announces to record the number of Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger users every month with a record high of 2.7 billion people, and 2 billion of them use at least one of the four services daily.However, Facebook also acknowledges that the number of virtual and duplicate accounts has increased significantly, with 116 million fake accounts and 255 million duplicate accounts on its platforms.

Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals Picture 2Facebook continues to keep its momentum despite the big privacy scandals Picture 2

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However, in general everything is still very good for Mark Zuckerberg and his colleagues when Facebook's revenue reached $ 16.91 billion in the last quarter - like a cold water rushing on analysts and experts alike. market research.Not only that, the market value of this social networking site has reached the target at $ 2.38 per share, far exceeding the estimate of experts.

After all, the forecast is still a forecast.Media criticism, experts keep complaining and lawmakers go on punishing, Facebook still grows and even thrives!

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