Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads

In a recent interview with NBC News, Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg issued a statement saying 'want to turn off ads, users have to pay' when asked whether Facebook provides users with the option to turn off advertising. towards them

In order to use 'free' Facebook, the world's largest social network, users have to 'sell' their information for $ 0 without being aware that they will be used for sale to Advertisers. But when you want to not be bothered by these ads, users will have to pay to turn them off and not receive any free support from Facebook.

In a recent interview with NBC News, Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg issued a statement saying ' want to turn off ads, users have to pay ' when asked whether Facebook provides users with the option to turn off advertising. towards them. This statement was made despite the fact that the company was in a crisis of confidence with users after a scandal of 87 million user accounts.

Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads Picture 1Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads Picture 1
Facebook 'General' Sheryl Sandberg.(NBC News screenshot.)

Regarding whether Facebook can work without collecting user information, 'female general' Sheryl Sandberg confirmed that 'Our service depends on your data'.

Sheryl added, many years ago Cambridge Analytica had committed to the company that they would erase the data. Unfortunately, the company did not follow the situation and this mistake belongs to Facebook. Currently the company is trying to intervene legally to know what Cambridge Analytica has collected from users.

See more:

  1. Facebook corrected with a series of new regulations to protect users' information after the scandal blew away $ 100 billion
  2. Vietnam reached the top 10 countries with the most leaked Facebook information in the world
  3. The truth is that Cambridge Analytica has collected more than 87 million Facebook users, not 50 million
  4. Facebook admits to 'scan' all user messages on the Messenger application
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