Distinguish old technology items, phones like new, build goods, fake goods, warranty returns
Today TipsMake.com will mention a problem that is probably quite a lot of interest when we decide to spend money to buy a certain technology theme, such as smartphones, cameras, machines. playing games, computers, laptops . In the market there are many types, not everyone has the conditions to buy new things 100%, so the old market, goods . are always crowded and bustling. We temporarily propose the following concepts and preliminary distinctions:
- What is old goods?
- What is upright?
- What is new like goods?
- What is the warranty?
- What is fake? .
1. What is old technology or used goods?
Old goods are simply goods that have been used for a period of time. Characteristics of this type of goods are very popular, down the price (except for products belonging to the high-end segment, keeping prices well), acceptable forms and quality. Of course, we have only a small amount of money, so we cannot ask for a good and new item. Old goods here are understood as such, used goods and purchased by stores when users want to upgrade, go to life or are simply users who sell themselves on forums, networks. society.
Distinguish old technology items, phones like new, build goods, fake goods, warranty returns Picture 1
So how to distinguish old technology products?
Basically, the old goods, you should check the warranty period, see the origin of the phone based on the distributor's stamp on the device, check the information on the purchase website. Or simply, based on the naked eye, the ability to observe can also know old goods or not. Look at the outer shell of the device, the old goods often have scratches on the casing, the phone keypad is no longer new (due to heavy use), the corners are often broken, scratches appear . .
In a short way, distinguish old goods that are not too difficult and complicated. Users only need to look closely at the device, they will look out, but the types of goods we are listed below are more complicated.
See more article instructions: How to distinguish genuine iPhone 6 or not?
2. What is new like new?
How can this be understood for simplicity? Hey, guys, it's old, but it's almost new in the literal sense based on usage time and appearance. For example: you buy 1 smartphone to use 1-2 days (or 1 week) and feel not satisfied, want to sell to get money to recover other work . then it is like new. Since it is used, it should be listed in the old item (but not repaired, peeled . anything), and because the time is too short, the form is almost 100% new so the word like new was born so.
And of course, new like new longer warranty period, very long is another.
Distinguish old technology items, phones like new, build goods, fake goods, warranty returns Picture 2
3. What is construction?
Referring to this word is already a headache, you search on google or YouTube, there will be a lot of results on this build. So what is it?
Because it is so complicated, we temporarily divided into several levels as follows:
- The condition of the device is still beautiful, original, uncut surgery, changing accessories, just cleaning the toilet is shiny almost new.
- Important accessories such as main, capture, touch . intact and only replace the odd things like keys, shells .
- Only the original main is left, the rest of the items are mostly close.
- Almost close, each shell is left, or in other words, this shell.
Distinguish old technology items, phones like new, build goods, fake goods, warranty returns Picture 3
The answer to the question: What is construction?
So how can we distinguish this build?
It is quite difficult, only based on the buyer's experience, the carefulness of testing the machine, and the authenticity of the seller. For basic users, or most users, it is difficult to distinguish the last two types of construction goods, because the psychology of buying goods wants good, nice but cheap so it is easily fooled by the outer shell. The advice when shopping is to choose big, reputable stores with clear address, positive feedback of users about the service, consult with friends, workers . see Should buy it or not!
4. What is fake goods?
Yes, obviously. Fake goods here can be interpreted as counterfeit goods, fake goods, or can be understood more than Chinese goods, often these devices will imitate the brands of large firms (such as watches, smartphones, belts , clothes . a lot).
- The best example is an iPhone phone with only 1-2 million, 2 sim cards with a memory card ???
- iPhone running Android operating system for example.
- Types of smartphone with sky parameters such as 10-20 chip, 20-30 Megapixel camera .
- .
And of course, you should never buy this kind, because the quality is very low, there is no proper warranty, almost if you buy it, you will lose money. Who bought the old goods of fake goods again.What is the only advantage of this kind of fake?Cheap, beautiful shiny look like new.And many people will be dazzled by that glamorous look.
5. What is the warranty?
As used, faulty products, users bring warranty, store return equipment to the manufacturer to repair, replace components and then be returned to the user.It is a warranty product, there are now many stores and sales websites that have their own warranty items for users to choose from.
And besides that, there is one concept we need to mention here is warranty drift.So what is it?Imagine this:
- You buy an iPhone or Android phone, get a manufacturer error, send it back to the manufacturer for repair (rather than a store, the shop authorized to repair and then stamp it up). Or simply understand that the goods are made by manufacturers to pay warranty for customers, and the warranty period will be drifted depending on the user. For example, the genuine warranty period of the iPhone is 12 months, you can use it for 1 month, then send it back to Apple for warranty, repair and equipment you will receive 11 months warranty instead of 12 months as the product 100% new.
Basically, these are good goods, because they are made by the manufacturers themselves, with the same condition, the only drawback is that the warranty time is no longer long.
Wish you choose the right quality equipment, affordable!
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