Calculation of percentages in Excel

Calculating percentages in Excel is a basic calculation, with a very simple and quick calculation when you don't need to enter any functions.

Excel calculations have become familiar to anyone who often has to process data tables, calculate data in Excel. These include the percentage of a number to compare with the total data that appears on the statistics table. Depending on the circumstances, the percentage calculation of some will be different. But the simplest, most popular option is to calculate the number of decimal places, then convert that decimal format to the% format, to display the number of% values ​​to be executed.

The following article will guide you how to calculate a percentage of a number on Excel, with a simple way to do that without using the function as a sum with Sum Excel.

  1. How to use the SUMIF function in Excel
  2. 3 ways to calculate totals in Excel
  3. These are the most basic functions in Excel that you need to understand

How to calculate a 1% percentage in Excel

We will perform a percentage calculation with the data table below. The requirement of that table is that you need to calculate the% of books sold compared to the total number of books.

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 1Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 1

Step 1:

In the percentage result box, we will get the number of sold goods divided by the total number of rows, with the syntax implemented = D2 / C2 , and then press Enter .

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 2Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 2

Step 2:

The result will be the decimal value as shown below.

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 3Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 3

We will drag the result of the first cell to the remaining cells to copy the formula. The result displayed will be a decimal number with a value that will be greater than 0 and less than 1.

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 4Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 4

Step 3:

Next, users will proceed to convert the format from decimal to percentage format. Black out the decimal values ​​in the column and right-click and choose Format Cells .

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 5Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 5

Step 4:

In the Format Cells interface, select Category Percentage in percentage format. Next to the Decimal places section, select the number after the comma. Depending on the need, you can choose the number behind the comma, 0, 2 or more. We can rely on the Sample section to see an example with a percentage.

Finally click OK below to save.

Note to readers , you can perform the method to return the result column% to% Percentage format, instead of the General format before performing the calculation.

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 6Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 6

The end result will be the data sheet with the complete percentage as shown below.

Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 7Calculation of percentages in Excel Picture 7

Thus, calculating the percentage of 1 number on Exce is relatively simple. You do not need to perform the Excel function but just conduct the division, then change the decimal number to the percent format according to the instructions above.

See also: Summary of expensive shortcuts in Microsoft Excel.

I wish you all success!

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