Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

DTCL Challenger season 9 is not much different from the previous season 6, Challenger champions need a row of strong tanks to comfortably deal damage to the enemy team.

Challenger appeared in season 6 of Truth Arena, and has returned in this season 9 of DTCL. Just like the DTCL season 9 Wizard squad , the majority of Challengers are damage-dealing champions and only a few are responsible for resisting.

And so, players need to combine with some other DTCL season 9 champions to have a Challenger team that is at least in the TOP 4. Maybe some of the suggestions below will help you if you choose Challenger in the game. .

Challenger champions season 9

Challenger gains additional attack speed. When Challenger's target dies, the Challenger champion rushes to the new target and gains 50% bonus attack speed for 2.5 seconds.

  1. 2 Challenge: Add 30% attack speed
  2. 4Challenge: Add 55% attack speed
  3. 6 Challenge: Add 80% attack speed
  4. 8 Challenge: Add 120% attack speed

Picture 1 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

Irelia – Ionia, Challenger

  1. Skill: Take a defensive stance and gain a shield quickly for 3 seconds. When the shield breaks, deals magic damage +30% of absorbed damage to enemies around and in front of Irelia. Ionia Buff: +25 Armor and Magic Resistance.

Samira – Noxus, Challenger

  1. Skill: Shoots at the current target and deals damage to the first enemy hit. Also Reduces their Armor.

Warwick – Zaun, Challenge, Destroy


  1. Passive: Warwick's attacks restore Health.
  2. Active: For the next 2.5 seconds, passive health regeneration increases by 50%. He then stuns nearby enemies for 1.2/1.5/2 seconds.

Kalista – Shadow Isles, Challenge


  1. Passive: Attacks stab a spear into the target, dealing true damage. Kalista rips the spear apart if it kills the target.
  2. Active: Throw 5 spears at the current target.

Kai'Sa – Void, Challenge

  1. Skill: Dash away from all enemies, then fire 15/15/25 rounds through the 4 nearest enemies. Each projectile deals magical damage.

Kai'Sa – Void, Challenge

  1. Skill: Dash away from all enemies, then fire 15/15/25 rounds through the 4 nearest enemies. Each projectile deals magical damage.

Yasuo – Ionia, Challenge

  1. Skill: Slash a whirlwind at the farthest enemy within 3 cells, stunning all enemies hit. Then dash forward and slash the initial target, dealing physical damage to them. Smash them into the ground and deal physical damage to enemies within 1 cell. Buff Ionia: +15% total health drain.

Picture 2 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

Only Warwick and Irelia are the two top tank tanks for Challenger, and these two generals are not really original tanks. Warwick has healing skills and Irelia can create shields, so both are more suitable than other champions to be tanks in the front row.

However, Yasuo is also a champion who stands at the top when his attack range is melee. Along with Kalista and Kai'Sa, these are the 3 champions that deal the best damage in the Challenger team. The level of perfection of the Challenger team is easy because this is the DTCL season 9 clan without any 5-gold champion.

Items for Challenger season 9 TFT

How to combine DTCL items for Challenger champions is quite easy because the equipment does not change much between season 8 and season 9. In addition to the Golden Shovel, players will receive some of Ornn's equipment in technology upgrades.

So anyone who has ever built Challenger items in season 6 will be somewhat familiar. Kalista, Samira, Yasuo will need some equipment such as Wooden Bow, Training Gloves, BF Sword, Oversized Stick, Net Armor to combine into items such as Death Sword, Blue Bow, Giant Slayer, Infinity Sword, Rage Blade, Rage Bow, Blood Sword, Huge Power, Hand of Justice.

Because Kai'Sa creates magic damage, she will need Oversized Staff, Tear, BF Sword, Wooden Bow, and Giant Belt. to combine into magical equipment such as Angel's Staff, Electric Knife, Shojin Spear, Hextech Gun Sword, and she can also use support items such as Cuong Dao and Giant Slayer. As for Tank items, put them on Warwick and Irelia.

Picture 3 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

Build DTCL Season 9 Challenge, TFT Season 9 Challenge

Early game

Start with Challenger and any champions you can buff on during this phase. You can exchange Samira with Jhin to get Ionia. Level up to level 4 within 2-1. If you're strong, you can level up early and win a streak. If you're too weak, you can win a streak.

Picture 4 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

Between game

Level up to level 6 in round 3-2, increase to 4 Challengers and add Kalista to the game. If you intend to roll for Kalista, save money from now on. After reaching level 7 in round 4-1, roll Kalista or add Kai'Sa or Yasuo to increase damage, and at this time add tank equipment to Warwick so he absorbs damage longer.

Picture 5 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

End of game

You don't need to use 5-gold generals to complete this squad, so just take good care of the 3-4 gold generals that appear in the team.

Picture 6 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

If it's Kalista, roll her to level 7 and then level 8. If it's Kai'Sa or Yasuo, quickly roll her to level 8 to fill the remaining positions. Don't worry about the team having too much equipment because Kai'Sa can hold magic items and Kalista and Yasuo can hold physical items.

Picture 7 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

You can put Aatrox DTCL in the team or Sion in the team, these two names can stand in any team but both of their slots will lack the extra clan buff for the team. However, both are still favored at the end if you see them appearing a lot.

Picture 8 of Build DTCL Challenger, Challenger season 9 squad

Although Challenger is an easy team to perfect, it is possible that in the future when the meta game changes, they will have to combine with other champions to create the strongest DTCL lineups in season 9. will update more lineups. Challenger is the hottest meta for players to refer to, please save this website to check every day if you regularly play Challenger.

Update 26 May 2024


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