Android 9 Pie shows that Android can update faster than before

The real Project Treble is making it easier to update Android.

Android 9 with the official name Android P just released yesterday.Although updating Android OS is always a big event in the technology community in general and smartphones in particular, but in this update, Android also marked a new milestone: for the first time Android updates on non-Google phones right on the first day.

Over the years, the Android ecosystem has been complicated and varied, making updating the OS always a nuisance.Some major Android manufacturers take 3 to 6 months to update their phones, even if their high-end segment.Many machines are not even updated.A demonstration of Android 8.0 Oreo has been around for a year but only has 12% of Android devices.

The slow update status of Android has caused many people to call it a "hole-filled mess" because most devices run the old OS.

Google has tried to improve this issue with Project Treble, an Android 8.0 Oreo initiative that separates the OS module and hardware to make it easier to update the device.This is good news in a lot of custom ROM situations, because it helps developers create organic builds of Android, working on many devices of many developers.

But the way Treble affects customers using official builds is still unknown.

Android 9 brings Android 8 phones with Project Treble the ability to apply new features, testing its performance for the first time when used in practice.Some phones are still in beta testing, but Essential Phone has now become the winner in the race to update Android 9.

Essential Phone is the first non-Google phone to receive major Android updates on its first day of release.

Android 9 Pie shows that Android can update faster than before Picture 1Android 9 Pie shows that Android can update faster than before Picture 1
Project Treble is likely to bring future Android updates to the same

Essential leads the race when it comes to Android phones using the original ROM (stock Android), meaning there's no need to edit much on Android.Companies like Samsung or LG will have to do more, and that also makes them think whether or not Android customization is worth it.Essential has proven that fast, convenient updates like the iPhone are something Android can do.

Updating in the first day is normal for many OS but this time, it is a big event with Android.Although still waiting to see what other manufacturers will announce but at least for now, Essential has also shown good signs.

See more:

  1. How to check whether Android 8.0 phone is updated with Project Treble software
  2. Google officially released Android P as Android 9 Pie
  3. Phone list can be on Android 9.0, Android P
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