6 interesting facts about tears make you startled by surprise

Certainly, everyone in life had tears in his eyes. Only people who know how to cry, to crocodiles also sometimes have to shed tears. So why do we cry, where does the tears come from, and we cry or benefit?

Certainly, everyone in life had tears in his eyes. Only people who know how to cry, to crocodiles also sometimes have to shed tears. So why do we cry, where does the tears come from, and we cry or benefit? Let's explore interesting facts about tears in the article below.

1. There are up to 3 types of tears

Picture 1 of 6 interesting facts about tears make you startled by surprise

According to Robert Provine - professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of Maryland (USA), there are 3 types of tears and they have different effects.

Basal tear is the most common tear, always exists in our eyes. Helps maintain eye moisture, prevents infection, and improves eye function.

Irritable tears - irritation tears - are tears that flow when your eyes meet certain factors, such as when you have an onion or when you have eye problems, for example. It helps soothe the pain, along with some biocides to help your eyes heal faster.

Emotional tear - emotional tear - is the tears that appear when you cry. Experts still have not really understood it, the mysterious tears.

2. Emotion tears are the way people communicate with each other

According to Provine, emotional tears are the remnants of human evolution, helping us to survive in the past. It is even what helps people to survive today.

Tears help people express happy and sad emotional states and help people connect and rely between people and people.

3. Emotion tears, but not always used for the right purpose

Because it is the way people control others, especially for young children. They cried all day but not because they were sad but to increase the attention of adults and create their own advantages, according to Kalu Singh, a former adviser at Cambridge University (UK).

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He said: "Crying, whether crying or crying, is a way for children to achieve what they want - attention, care from adults, food, or even just a way. let them . take revenge on someone ".

Not only children, adults also cry to solve difficult situations. According to Singh: "When we cry, we cannot think of anything, even breathing is difficult. Therefore, we cry like a way to relax, say time to avoid explaining anything."

4. Tears can cure

" When people are too stressed or psychologically hurt, they separate themselves from their emotions, because the body's reaction now is to concentrate to survive. If it is possible to make them cry. Big, body energy will be released and patients will feel more calm, balanced , "said Ruthie Smith - British psychotherapist.

Therefore, crying is also a method to help people relieve their psychology.

5. Tears fall not only because of sadness

Obviously when people are happy, they also cry. Those are happy tears.

"It seems like tears of joy are the result of overflowing emotions. At this time, people cry to balance their emotions within themselves , " said Oriana Aragón, a psychologist at Yale University. ) said.

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Aragón also believes that these tears aim to give a signal to others, that they need help to balance their emotions. A hug, pat on the back will be an extremely wonderful reaction.

Whether tears of joy really exist or that is actually the sadness that the cry itself does not recognize. There are quite a lot of different opinions on this issue. But even when crying because of happiness or sadness, those are the emotional feelings of the crying person.

6. Not only human beings cry

According to Kim Bard - professor of psychology at Portsmouth University (UK), " The evidence shows that not only do humans cry with emotion. Many primates have the ability to express sadness by crying. , they don't tear up. "

But even, some animals know how to cry. Evidence is that in 2014, wildlife conservation experts saw an elephant shedding tears after being liberated after 50 years living in a shackles scene.

Scientists have not yet determined whether animals cry or not, but studies are gradually proving to be true.

Update 24 May 2019


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