11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Some massive ancient works in the world dating back thousands of years are built very elaborately and accurately, making architects, engineers and scientists to be surprised and admired.

Some massive ancient works in the world dating back thousands of years are built very elaborately and accurately, making architects, engineers and scientists to be surprised and admired.

Since its discovery, scientists have lost dozens, even hundreds of years, to find out the answer to who, why and how those great buildings were built. But up to now, those questions are still a mystery that cannot be solved by scientists.

1. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Picture 1 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Mysterious stone columns in England.(Photos: pixabay.com).

According to legend, these mysterious stone columns were built by the magician Merlin. But scientists think that Stonehenge appeared before Merlin, who was trusted by King Arthur for a long time.

Hundreds of kilometers around Stonehenge have no place to exploit stone, meaning that these huge rocks have been transported from far away. But how did the old people do, this is still a question without an answer.

Until now, scientists still do not know who and what the purpose of the construction is. It is most likely an astronomical observatory because the position of the rock niches is true for the celestial bodies in the solar system, or the Celtic priesthood prayers . But all is fake. theory but no specific evidence.

2. Baalbek, Lebanon

Picture 2 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Anton Ivanov.

This temple belongs to an ancient architectural complex in Lebanon, a remnant of the city of Baalbek that once flourished. According to legend, this temple is the foundation of the great Babel tower in the Bible.

The temple is built of stone blocks weighing up to 1,000 tons while the largest blocks in the Egyptian Pyramid weigh only 90 tons. So how did the ancient Romans have no technology or technology, but could still stack giant stone blocks to build this magnificent temple?

3. Newgrange, Ireland

Picture 3 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Internet.

Although it was discovered by a construction company Newgrange from the 17th century, it was not until 300 years later that the scientific community began to study the mysteries of this work.

Scientists have found perfect circular paths, dating from even larger pyramids in Egypt, in the center of graves.

If we observe from inside this tomb on the winter solstice and summer solstice, we can admire an extremely interesting phenomenon, the rays of the stars will fill the rooms. Irish people believe that this place is the fairyland, the dwelling place of elves and fairies.

4. Graves of the Celts, northern Caucasus, Russia

Picture 4 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: mariakraynova.

An ancient tomb dating back to 5000 years has a very special structure. Located on a mountain slope, the grave is built of heavy stone blocks that are very flat, with small holes that can be closed with miserable covers.

In particular, the structures are interconnected so precisely that they do not need any bars or materials to pair.

5. Tikal, Guatemala

Picture 5 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Simon Dannhauer.

Tikal is one of the most densely populated Mayan cities in the jungle. In this city there are artificial ponds, a large field, a playground of folk sports, a palace. Tikal was dubbed the "City of Echo" or "The City of Whispers echoed" because just one whisper even the smallest was echoed throughout this ancient city.

In particular, in this ancient city there existed pyramids of absolute square shape but scientists still do not know what their function is.

6. Rock labyrinth on Bolshoi Island Zayatsky, Russia

Picture 6 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Internet.

The island of Solovetsky, located on the White Sea in Russia is adorned with strange ancient stone labyrinths, spiral-shaped, called Babylons. This special stone maze has the same entrance and exit.

Many hypotheses are made about the cause and purpose of its existence thousands of years ago as a trap, a place used in traditional rituals, performing rituals connected to the spiritual world . But all this is just a hypothesis and so far scientists are still crazy to find the answer.

7. Petra, Jordan

Picture 7 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Pocholo Calapre.

Many statues are carved on cliffs over 900 meters above sea level on the slopes of Hor Mountain. Workers had to be extremely patient when chiseling large blocks of rock to create such a masterpiece.

The researchers believe that this is an entrance of a temple or an ancient tomb, but they have not found evidence for that theory. In addition to the purpose of creating it, researchers do not know how the ancient people created it at such a height, did they use scaffolding?

8. Terracotta army, China

Picture 8 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Internet.

So far, archaeologists have discovered about 2000 statues of terracotta soldiers in a total of about 8000 statues in the tomb of Qin Shui Huang, after 40 years of searching. This special army was created in 200 BC.

Surprisingly for scientists, every statue in thousands of statues created in real-size and precise detail carries its own points from clothes and hair to sharpness. face. Can't find two statues that are exactly alike.

9. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Picture 9 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: lastdjedai.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia of Khmer people is considered the largest religious works in the world.

This is a complex of 200 temples located in pre-calculated locations spread over 162ha. A special feature of this architectural complex is that despite standing at any corner, tourists can only see three temples at the same time.

Drainage is also very scientifically built by the Khmer, when the rainy season comes, the water will flood the places drawn and turn the area into an island amid vast water.

The walls are very dense, can't find loopholes. The stones are very flat, they are built and calculated to ensure the total weight of the building.

10. Easter Island, Chile

Picture 10 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

(Photo: Amy Nichole Harris).

A small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by 887 giant stone statues (Moai) carved by Rapa Nui people in the mid-1250 - 1500 years.

Each Moai statue weighs up to 75 tons and is about 10m high, even with a photo weighing 270 tons and 21m high. There is a lot of evidence found to prove that they have been transported here from another place. But what do Rapa Nui build Moai statues for and how did they move them buried throughout the island?

11. Great Master Giza, Egypt

Picture 11 of 11 mysterious ancient buildings in the world that challenge the scientific world

Photo: Internet.

The sphinx statues that existed for thousands of years in the vast desert are probably the greatest mystery of all time. Researchers believe that the sphinx statues are the work of Pharaohs and inside are rooms with very well-made paths.

Experiencing a lot of great floods, but the sphinxes are still lasting for more than 5 millennia.

  1. The mysteries and interesting facts about the oldest Egyptian Sphinx
  2. Admire the 10 thousand-year-old architectural masterpieces of ancient Egypt
Update 24 May 2019


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