10 unexplained scientific discoveries

The world we live in contains many uncrypted secrets, including extremely mysterious supernatural phenomena. Here are 10 unexplained scientific discoveries.

The world we live in contains many uncrypted secrets, including extremely mysterious supernatural phenomena. Obviously, none of us can live long enough to see all the mysteries solved. Therefore, it is always interesting to look at very strange things right below the ground. Many scientists have tried to find solutions to these strange phenomena but all have not yet got the perfect answer. On the Bright Side page, there are 10 unexplained scientific discoveries . Invite you to watch!

1. Moa bird

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Moa is a flightless bird that once lived in New Zealand but was extinct around 1500. According to one theory, the Moa bird was killed by native Māori. But according to some researchers, partly because the habitat is destroyed, the other part is because the Moa bird is very slow, so they cannot reproduce quickly enough to maintain the race, leading to a high risk of extinction. .

On an expedition in the 20th century, the team of archaeologists discovered a giant bird claw in the cave on Mount Owen, New Zealand. What is especially remarkable is that this claw has been extremely well preserved for centuries.

The analytical results show that the mysterious claw is the body part left over from the carcass dating to about 3,300 years of the highland Moa bird ( Megalapteryx didinus ) - an extinct bird from many centuries ago. . This Moa bird is 3.6m tall, has hair covering its entire body, except for mines and feet; no wings or tail.

2. Saksaywaman, Peru integrated temple complex

Picture 2 of 10 unexplained scientific discoveries
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Saksaywaman was built as a fortress or a complex covering a large area in the northern suburbs of Cusco city ( Peru ). A special feature of the stone work of the Saksaywaman temple complex is that large walls are built solidly without the use of a single drop of mortar, which is indeed a great thing.

Although these rocks have an uneven shape, when they are stacked, they fit so well that even a piece of paper cannot get through. Moreover, each section also has a smooth surface and rounded corners. So how was it built? - This question has no answer.

Despite careful research, the experts still cannot explain why the ancient people built this work. Some archaeologists believe that the Saksaywaman ruins may be a temple set up for worshiping the Sun.

3. Sun Gate, Bolivia

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The Sun Gate ( Puerta del sol ) in Bolivia is one of the places that attracts the attention of archaeologists when hiding many secrets that exist today. This gate is 2.75m high, 4m wide, weighs about 10 tons and is made from a single stone. The upper part of the gate is decorated with sophisticated touches compared to the level of that period.

Some archaeologists believe that the Sun Gate is the center of a vast empire in the first millennium AD. However, no one has an opinion on the meaning of things carved on the Gate. Most likely, they hold an important sense of astrology and astronomy. According to experts, this may be the first inhabited place on Earth.

4. Long Du Cave, China

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© easytourchina.com

Long Du caves found in China are artificial caves carved with siltstone, thought to have formed before the Qin Dynasty in 212 BC. Each wall in the cave is engraved with parallel lines with absolute accuracy. Such hard work requires the participation of thousands of people.

Moreover, if you want to enter the cave, there must be a light because the cave entrance is very small, sunlight can only be projected in a certain area of ​​the cave. If you go deeper into the cave, the light will fade. What is special is that people have not found any lighting fixtures for at least two thousand years ago. So how can ancient people do a job that requires precision in pitch-black environments? This makes scientists extremely confused when not knowing how or who created this cave.

5. Unfinished Obelisk Memorial, Egypt

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Unfinished Obelisk Monument is located at the end of the town of Aswan ( Egypt ), 42m high and weighs 1,200 tons. The size of Unfinished Obelisk Memorial makes us feel amazing! Obelisk is the common name for the ancient monuments cast from a stone with triangular vertices. Initially, the memorial was carved directly on one side of the stone, but after a few cracks appeared, the Obelisk was abandoned until now. If this building is completed, it will be a monument cast from a stone block 10 stories taller.

6. City of Yonaguni, Japan

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This ancient complex work was discovered by chance by diving instructor Kihachiro Aratake about 20 years ago, on the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan. The underwater city disturbs all scientific theories. The carved stone was submerged underwater about 10,000 years ago - even before the Egyptian pyramids were built. These structures seem to have been engraved right in the rock with primitive tools.

Some archaeologists believe that in the early days, people were still crowded in caves and living on gathering rather than hunting; so they cannot build stone cities. However, up to now, the question of the existence of this city is still a mystery without an answer.

7. The Mountain of Death - Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan

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The secret of the collapse of this city has led experts to suffer for decades. In 1922, Indian archaeologist RD Banerji discovered ancient ruins on one of the islands on the Indus River. Mohenjo-daro - The mountain of Death is one of the largest settlements of Indus civilization located in Sindh province ( Pakistan ). Mohenjo-daro was built around 2600 BC. Buildings in the city are constructed of terracotta, different from other cities of the same era built of stone and earth.

More notably, Mohenjo-daro is built according to the modern city model as it has roads, underground drainage systems . - only this city was built more than 4,000 years ago. only However, for some reason, Mohenjo-daro has sunk into oblivion.

8. L'Anse aux Meadows, Canada

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Discovered in 1960, L'Anse aux Meadows is an archaeological site located on the northern tip of Newfoundland Island ( Canada ). Through research, experts discovered this ancient building was built by the Vikings about a thousand years ago and is the largest relic of Nordic people outside Greenland. Interestingly, this project was built in North America 500 years before Columbus " discovered " the new continent. So many theories suggest that the Vikings found America, not Columbus explorers.

9. Huge underground tunnel system of Stone Age

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© staedtepartner-sob.de

The huge underground tunnel system Stone Age is completely created by human hands during the Stone Age. The discovery of an extensive network of underground tunnels, spanning Europe from Scotland to Turkey, shows that the Stone Age communities are not simply hunter-gatherers. However, the true purpose of the tunnels remains a mystery. The question is: " How can humans build a complex architecture with such a large structure at that time? ". Some researchers believe they have been used as a defense against enemies, while others believe they think of a way to go around safely and protect themselves from harshness. of weather and other conflicts.

10. Huge stone balls in Costa Rica

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In the early 1940s, United Fruit Company once unearthed these perfect stone shapes in Costa Rica. It is known that they date from 600 to sixteenth century. The formation of these mysterious rocks is attractive in that not only is the spherical shape perfect, but also because of the unclear origin and purpose. They were discovered by workers deforestation from a banana farm. Local legends claim that mysterious globes contain gold inside, but it turns out they are empty. So who created them and what is the purpose for them? Until now, scientists have not answered. Many people believe that they have some religious drawings to worship the Sun.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Decode the mystery of the Mpemba effect
  2. The mysterious "ghost ship" was discovered on Lake Superior
  3. See the wonderful images of the world's first computer layout

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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