Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away?

Remember: Don't immediately reply to every message as soon as you receive it, because you're wasting your time.

Remember: Don't immediately reply to every message as soon as you receive it, because you're wasting your time.

  1. Living is not merely a survival, enjoy life in a truly meaningful way

Surely many of us are suffering from this. You leave the office or class at noon break. But as soon as you sit down to enjoy your favorite food and a delicious cup of coffee . suddenly, your phone has a " beep " signaling new message. You immediately pick up the phone, read the message and leave a message ( even if the message is not important or there is no need to respond immediately ).

This interrupts your lunch and if extended as a daily routine, you will become the " slave " of the messages.

Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 1Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 1

Why is that?

When immediately responding to a message, you allow your personal feelings to decide events that are out of your control and act solely on what happened.

On the other hand, successful people often act on their own plans. They are proactive and responsible for their lives. They prioritize their work, not let others distract and slow their work.

Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 2Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 2

Many people often think that answering instant messages seems like a " little thing " but it's actually more serious than you think. According to a 2014 study, people in the United States between the ages of 25-34 often check their phone 50 times a day . Imagine that your work is interrupted or rested 50 times a day. Each of us has 24 hours a day and only 16 hours of awake work. This means that every hour you are interrupted at least 3 times. So how can you achieve success at work when you can't even focus on it yourself?

So how to eliminate this bad habit?

First of all, answer this question honestly! Do you always bring your phone with you at all times? If the answer is yes, try leaving the phone at home for a while or at least turning it to silent mode or turning off the notifications. This way, you can decide when you will check the message rather than " being controlled " by incoming messages.

Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 3Why shouldn't we reply to every message right away? Picture 3

This life is too short, so don't let yourself be controlled by messages. Give yourself some time to avoid all the noise and look for new things, build a new purpose of life or give yourself more time to think about the present and the future, about relationships. It is easy to just let the body and mind rest a little bit! Instead of bowing to the phone and answering the message, give yourself time to relax, enjoy life and be with your loved ones.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Using 1 hour after work will determine your success
  2. If you want to succeed, remember these 15 things carefully
  3. 20 pictures illustrating the crazy world we live in

Having fun!

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