What is Pharming? General information about Pharming you should know

Pharming is a cyber attack technique that redirects users to a fake website, without having to use email fraud methods such as phishing.

What is Pharming? General information about Pharming you should know Picture 1What is Pharming? General information about Pharming you should know Picture 1

What is Pharming? Every time we visit websites, make online transactions, or even just browse social networks, the risk of being attacked by methods like pharming is always lurking. In this article, we will  learn  in detail about pharming, how it works, types of attacks, as well as effective preventive measures.

What is Pharming?

Pharming is a cyber attack technique that redirects users to a fake website, without using email fraud methods like phishing. The main goal of pharming is to steal sensitive user information such as usernames, passwords, financial information, and more.

Unlike phishing, where attackers send fraudulent emails or messages that entice users to click on links, pharming directly interferes with the connection between a user and a legitimate website by changing the IP address or DNS. When a user types in a legitimate web address, they are redirected to a fake website that the attacker has created to collect personal information.

How does Pharming work?

Pharming works by manipulating the domain name resolution (DNS) process, which allows a user's computer to find the IP address that corresponds to a specific domain name. Attackers can use a variety of methods to modify this information, which can lead to users being redirected to a fake website without their knowledge.

Modify Hosts file

One of the simplest ways an attacker can perform pharming is by modifying the Hosts file on your system. This file allows users to identify specific domain names with certain IP addresses. If an attacker has access to your computer, they can modify this file to redirect you to a fake website.

Attack on DNS server

Another common attack technique is to attack DNS servers. Attackers can hack into DNS servers and change the records to redirect all requests to their website. This can happen without the user even knowing, as they still think they are accessing the correct website.

Malware and malicious software

In addition to the above methods, pharming can also occur through malware infections on computers. This malware has the ability to insert code into your browser or DNS system, thereby redirecting traffic to fake websites. These software are often downloaded without the user's knowledge, and they can be very difficult to detect.

Types of Pharming Attacks

There are many different methods that attackers can use to carry out pharming attacks. Here are some common types of attacks that users need to be aware of.

  1. DNS Spoofing Attack: DNS spoofing attack is one of the most common forms of pharming. In this form, the attacker sends fake DNS responses to the DNS server, causing it to provide the wrong IP address to the user. When the user types in a website address, they are redirected to a fake page.
  2. Router Attacks: Attackers can also attack a user's router to change the DNS configuration. Once the router is compromised, all traffic will be redirected to fake websites, regardless of which website the user tries to access. This is a very effective method but requires the attacker to have high technical knowledge.
  3. Social Engineering: While not a direct form of pharming, social engineering techniques can be used by attackers to trick users. Attackers can create psychological pressure to get users to provide sensitive information or follow instructions, leading them to accidentally visit fake websites.

Pharming Engineering

Pharming techniques are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. Understanding these techniques will help users better prevent them.

  1. Changing DNS records: When changing DNS records, attackers calculate and change the IP address that the domain name is associated with. This can happen through hacking into the DNS server or through security flaws in the systems.

  2. Injecting malware into the browser: Some attackers also use malware to interfere with users' browsers. They can insert code that automatically redirects users to a fake website every time they try to access a specific website.

  3. Server Configuration Changes: Attackers can also make direct changes to the web server configuration. Once the server is compromised, user requests will be redirected to unknown sources or unsafe websites.

What is the difference between Phishing and Pharming?

While both phishing and pharming are aimed at stealing personal information, they work in different ways. Understanding the difference between the two is important to protect yourself.

What is Pharming? General information about Pharming you should know Picture 2What is Pharming? General information about Pharming you should know Picture 2

What is the difference between Phishing and Pharming?

Signs of a Pharming Attack

There are several signs that users can look out for to detect pharming attacks. Recognizing these signs early can help you protect your personal information.

Strange website link

If you find yourself being redirected to a website with an unfamiliar or seemingly misleading URL, be cautious. This could be a sign of a pharming attack, especially if the site asks for sensitive information.

Unsecure connection

If you try to access a website that you've visited before without any problems, but now it shows you an "insecure connection" message, consider the possibility of a pharming attack. In this case, it's best to stop and re-examine the site you're trying to access.

How to Prevent Pharming Attacks

To protect yourself from pharming attacks, there are a number of measures you can take:

Use security software

One of the most effective ways to prevent pharming attacks is to use strong protection software. Antivirus and antimalware software can detect and remove malware before it can harm your system.

Clear the cache on the server browser

The cache can contain outdated and sometimes incorrect information, so clearing the cache regularly can reduce the risk of encountering a fake website.

Use HTTPS protocol

When you visit a website, make sure the URL begins with "https://". This shows that the site uses secure protocols and helps protect your personal information.


Using a virtual private network (VPN) can help protect your data while browsing the internet. VPNs encrypt your network traffic, helping to prevent attackers from monitoring and collecting personal information.

Use bookmarks

Instead of typing website addresses into the address bar, use your browser's bookmarks or bookmarks feature to access websites you visit frequently. This will help you avoid clicking on strange links that may lead to fake websites.

Pharming rooms deliver results

Preventing pharming goes beyond using security software. A comprehensive strategy that includes user education and awareness is also important.

User education and training

Cybersecurity education programs should be widely implemented, aiming to raise user awareness of threats such as pharming. By understanding how attacks work, users can become part of the solution.

Perform regular security checks

Businesses should also conduct regular security checks to identify vulnerabilities in their systems. By detecting potential issues early, businesses can quickly fix them and protect their users from attacks.

Collaborate with cybersecurity experts

Working with cybersecurity experts to improve security is a necessary step. They can provide in-depth assessments and advice on how to protect customers from pharming attacks.


Pharming is one of the most complex and dangerous forms of cyber attack today. Understanding what pharming is, how it works, and the different types of attacks will help users and businesses prevent it effectively.

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