What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 4
See the detailed content of a chat nick like attached picture, location
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 5
Click on the content to add to the calendar
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 6
Click on the location content to see the location on the map.
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 7
Only one point (drop pin) on the map to see information or navigation
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 8
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 9
View event details in the calendar with force click
What does ForceTouch Trackpad do on a Macbook? Picture 10
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