Update the NoScript add-on on Firefox 57 and the new WebExtensions API

Six days after launching Firefox 57, Giorgio Maone, the developer of NoScript has updated it to work with the browser's new WebExtensions API.

Six days after launching Firefox 57, Giorgio Maone, the developer of NoScript has updated it to work with the browser's new WebExtensions API.

Last week, on November 14, when Mozilla launched Firefox 57, NoScript was one of many popular add-ons on Firefox that became 'outdated' (built on the SDK add-on based on XUL). Many other popular add-ons also suffer from this situation like DownThemAll !, QuickNote .

See also: What extensions are no longer working on FireFox 'fire fox'?

Update the WebExtensions of NoScript

While many developers claim to remove the add-on, Maone is one of the few to promise to release a new WebExtensions.

Update the NoScript add-on on Firefox 57 and the new WebExtensions API Picture 1Update the NoScript add-on on Firefox 57 and the new WebExtensions API Picture 1
NoScript is used by many users to secure the browser

However, the slow development process made them unable to keep up with the launch date of Firefox 57. This has caused many Firefox users to worry because NoScript almost becomes an add-on after being praised by Edward Snowden and added to the default add-on on the Tor Browser.

This add-on is used by many users because it allows users to block the script (JavaScript file) and enable content (Java, Flash, Silverlight) according to each domain. It also blocks clickjacking with JS and attacks multiple pages (XSS).

The new NoScript WebExtensions (v10.x) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/ still supports these basic features. Differences from the old NoScript version (5.x) https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/versions/ are in the settings and interfaces.

Still in development stage

The new version is still in development and most of the old features will be included in the new version. The WebExtensions API is still famous for its low add-on SDK when it comes to features because Mozilla wants to limit the core functions of the browser that the add-on is able to reach, because of security issues.

"NoScript 10 is very different from version 5.x, some will be simpler, some will be improved, some are missing and need to wait for the WebExtension APIs not yet available in Firefox 57," Maone said.

Maone: Update to Firefox 57 or Firefox ESR

Although the release of the new NoScript version is obviously 5.x, Maone does not recommend using the old Firefox version to use the old NoScript. Instead, he recommends switching to Firefox ESR (Firefox Extended Support Release) and waiting until NoScript 10.x is the same. Firefox ESR and / or Firefox 57 security benefits are much more than NoScript so don't just because this add-on uses Firefox 56.

Currently, this add-on is getting over 1.72 million downloads on Firefox.

See also: Is this the time to give Firefox another chance?

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