With a simple interface that is a bit boring, but with an effective virus scanner, this is probably not a bad choice for you.
To scan the file for viruses, visit the following link: https://online.drweb.com/
To scan the URL for the URL you visit the following link: https://online.drweb.com/?url=1
Website link: https://virusscan.jotti.org/
Jotti is a pretty good virus scanning website today, the advantage of this tool is that it supports scanning files up to 25Mb and uses a series of good and powerful antivirus today: Avast, AVG , Bitdefender, . etc . In addition, this antivirus has quite simple interface and quite fast scanning speed. To use, you access the website with the link above and then click Browse to select the file in your computer and the software will automatically scan for us viruses.
Above are 5 best virus scanners in 2020 according to Thuthuatphanmem.vn. Hopefully, through this article, you will have more measures to protect your computer more safely. Thank you for watching the article!